We can’t make this up. Scary stuff friends. Our President Poopie Pants Joe Biden actually authorized the use of force in the raid on Trump. Is it just me or is this jackass trying to start a civil war. First we were told the Sniffer ‘n Chief didn’t know about raid. Now we know he gave the green light on deadly force. This is the government our forefathers warned us about.
More misleading b.s. coming out that is not true that causes more unrest in our country....law enforcement is always armed, it's part of their job for your safety and their's... not a "raid", it was a "search"...stick to the facts, tell it like it is and stop the b.s.....
Of course it was a raid. A search is what happened after Biden’s lawyer was permitted to go in that garage before the authorities went in to see the documents that Biden took while he was a senator. My father-in-law suffered from dementia before he passed away. The world is seeing the same symptoms we did. Diminished motor skills. Forgetting important names and events. Fabricated stories in which he only remembers bits and pieces of what happened and mixes places and dates. Pleasant one day and lashing out another, as he does when asked a question that he thinks will make him look bad. The last speech had to have 9 corrections made when he couldn’t even follow the script. I love it when he reads even the directions that are written on the teleprompter, PAUSE If anyone thinks this guy is normal and NOT suffering from dementia, they are as delusional as he is. If your neighbors wife was treating her husband the way Jill is letting the DNC trot Joe around she would be investigated for elder abuse. F*#k biden
Anyone that denies Biden is a walking, or in his case a falling, stumbling, bumbling, disaster is just plain stupid. I can’t wait to hear all the President Trump bashers crying again when he gets back in the White House. BTW, Biden WON’T be on the ticket so the demoRATS will have to pick ANOTHER puppet. A newsom/harris ticket should be fun to watch go down in flames.
That would be one of the better nicknames I've acquired. To the original topic, I just wonder who they would use deadly force against. After all President Trump wasn't there. And a person would have to be totally ignorant to think they didn't know that. So would they kill the federal officials who were there to protect and defend?? If that scenario is correct, nobody is safe from those lunatics.
Proof ? Of what ?..that law enforcement were not there to kill people ? To even think thats why they were there is absurd! Law enforcement serve search warrants daily. They are all armed and occasionally are injured/killed doing their job. Hopefully, the many of private citizens carrying concealed weapons now are doing so for self protection and not to kill anyone.
Usually when people throw the word "fact" around, there is some kind of prove to back it up. I simply posed a question, never declared anyone was going to be killed. Typical Democrat; totally hyperbolic and doesn't read or comprehend well.
If you were coherent, ( get someone to explain to you your own post) " so would they kill the federal officials that were there to protect and defend??" " if that scenario is correct, blah blah b.s.
It's a hypothetical Ron. But truth is, you don't know anything to be a fact about any scenario that may occur. The reality is that federal agents have engaged in bad behavior in the past. And it is well documented.