That's correct that serial number only, I purchased this combo from a friend who is not shooting doubles anymore due to health reasons. I have the completed case all tools ect. that came from Giacomo Sporting when he bought the set (2001), then May (2008 @GLG) he decided he did not like the heat waves coming off the bbl's and he purchased a MX 14 bbl which is now on the gun, and he gave the top single bbl to Giacomo to sell for him. I have contacted Giacomo's, and they could only tell me they sold (August 2008) the BBL to parties in St. Paul Minnesota and it was sent thru Minneapolis gun club ffl. I contacted MGC and had correspondence with MGC Mgr who was very polite and tried to help me all he said was, he could not find any records for just the barrel in his ffl.He also said he remembers and individual who bought a lot of perazzi stuff from that time frame unfortunately has passed. I currently shoot a TMX and just would like the original combo PM's are best -Thank you in advance.