Wtb Remington 1100 28ga sporting stock

Discussion in 'For Sale-Wanted to Buy' started by Timn, Feb 25, 2021.

  1. Timn

    Timn Active Member

    I bought a 1100 28 guage sporting and it has a plain youth stock added to it. Forearm is the original upgraded wood. I need a original butt stock please pm me.
  2. Red & White Setters

    Red & White Setters Active Member

    I sent you a PM Friday am !---- Contains my Cel # & E-Mail
  3. Red & White Setters

    Red & White Setters Active Member

    PM sent with Proof of Ownership
  4. JMN Engraver

    JMN Engraver Mega Poster

    I have a custom one. has a bit higher comb. was a orig. factory trap stock. has very nice figure. PM if interested.
  5. Cargodog

    Cargodog Active Member

    If I am correct in thinking the Remington LT-20 guns were built on a 28 Ga. frame perhaps an LT-20 stock might work?