Looking for any Gary Stevens, Working Dog Leather pouches, belts, or bags. Send PM, let me know what you may have, thanks
I'll just chime in on this..... Gary made some real nice stuff!!! I'm lucky enough to have a couple of his single box holders and belt. I've had it them for probably 15 years. Wear like iron. Sorry hardrite..... not for sale though. Just wanted to remark on the quality of Gary's work!! Jim Barnes
I have a 2 box shell holder he made me for shooting doubles it is Elephant skin grey in color I think I have the matching belt also.
I have a belt , pouch and a beautiful shooting bag Gary made for me in 1995. Not for sale. Gary would say, if you wear it out, I will replace it. I used to see him in in a town near Ft Bragg Fayetteville Nc. RIP my friend. AKA The mad hatter...