I need a BT-100 ejector extension. new or used (prefer new) Roger Coveleskie Call 1 623 935 2581 with price.
For the record, i needed one a month ago .... no where to be found. Obsolete. Are you looking for the piece that goes in before the actual ejector? If so I had to modify one from a 99 to get it working
YES, I need one to blue print so I can start making them. Can you modify one and send it to me? Roger C.
I just kept marking the surfaces that makes contact with a sharpie. Slowly filing and stoning. Was hard to really be sure what surface needed to be filed. Also broke out the digital caliper and noted the width was a little wide, filed that down too. But basically, I filed the beveled edge for a while before filing the whole bottom surface until it slid all the way on. I did some mild tapping on and off as well to see when and where it bound up..