Discussion in 'For Sale-Wanted to Buy' started by TFagin, Nov 29, 2020.

  1. TFagin

    TFagin Member

    Looking for a browning bt 100 stainless THANKS
  2. TFagin

    TFagin Member

  3. TFagin

    TFagin Member

    Would also be interested in a BT 99 Stainless THANKS
  4. DBF

    DBF New Member

    Just joined/saw your post.....are you still looking for Browning BT 100 stainless?
  5. TFagin

    TFagin Member

    Yes I'm still looking
  6. rbdjr

    rbdjr Well-Known Member

    I just picked up what I thought was a SS BT99, As I looked it up its a 2007 Laminate nickel plated , shot show special. I think, all looks like a SS, but I guess its nickel plated, the only way to tell, the SS models have a blued rib on top of the barrel, this barrel/and rib both ss color. trying to find out more about the gun. Its like brand new, fellow told me he won it. I shot it for first time the other day shot a 23 first round felt good. Im pleased
    turbo38gn likes this.
  7. TFagin

    TFagin Member

    Thanks for the info. A couple of guys I shoot with have stainless guns 1 is a 99 1is a100......nice guns
  8. turbo38gn

    turbo38gn obsessed newbie

    I feel like Charlton Heston with my newly returned BT100, you'll have to pry it from my cold, dead hands. I sold it once to a friend after I had purchased my 725 combo, reluctantly.... I just found him a 725 combo, so he sold it back to me.. I almost sold it a few weeks ago, but after finding a release trigger for it.. I'm in love again.. good luck finding a good . they don't usually go cheap, but are still worth the money!
  9. David Oldfield

    David Oldfield BT 100 Stainless.

    Looking for Browning BT 100 Stainless.