WTB Beretta Teknys

Discussion in 'For Sale-Wanted to Buy' started by Deadeye45, Nov 14, 2021.

  1. Deadeye45

    Deadeye45 Mega Poster

    Wanted to buy Beretta Teknys, 12 ga, 30", what have you. thanks
  2. Rolexdr

    Rolexdr Mega Poster

    I have 2
    A gold sporting like new shot may 50 shells

    a gold target with adjustable comb

    The 2 middle guns

    both are amazing condition, full cases and paper work

    the gold target only has 1 rib

    Gold sporting asking $2450
    Gold target 2100

    Attached Files:

    Reyper likes this.
  3. broken target

    broken target Mega Poster

    Hello are you interested in selling the one on the right

    let me know please