Looking to find a Beretta 391 Auto with 30 inch Barrel.. Urika ll Model in Excellent condition. 12 Gauge with chokes.. Please send Pictures and Price? Thanks wboling268 Denison Texas 75021
I have this one with a 28" Optima barrel, RL trap stock. I have 32" step rib barrels as well but nothing in a 30" Mike Battista 727 410 5212
Check out the one here https://www.americantrapshooter.com/index.php?threads/for-sale-beretta-391.6736/
I have a Beretta 391 AL with 30" vent rib, mobile choked, adjustable comb, cary closer and TS shell catcher. I have quite a few spare parts also. This beretta is in very good condition. I used if for a backup when my O/U was in for service. Have not shot much once O/U returned from service. If interested please PM
I have several 391s A teknys gold target 30” A Teknys gold sporting 30” A gold sporting 32” A gold sporting 28” only issue is I’m not selling cheap