Who here has ATA service time?

Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum - Americantrapshooter.com' started by Stl Flyn, Jul 16, 2019.

  1. Stl Flyn

    Stl Flyn Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    After seeing Sir Neil Winston's lifetime accomplishments (not only trapshooting), and the degradation he is now receiving after death, I am just wondering how many here have served on the BOD, or as President of the ATA? Even as a delegate or any form of yearly service to the ATA locally?

    Seems everyone is bashing the hell out of anyone associated with the ATA higher positions, and what they have done, or have not done to change the course of the organization and participation. Let alone what they should receive as compensation to deal with the BS.

    Not interested in target totals, or years as a member of the ATA. Only what time was served in a position to which you actually represented the shooters as a group in a position that could change the course of operation as a whole.
  2. Smithy

    Smithy Mega Poster Founding Member

    Mr. Flyn
    Been there done that. But don't think for a second because you are in a position of authority that I think you can abscond with a gun that is against the bylaws. Not mentioning any names but I know a wrong when I see a wrong. I don't have to be an EC member to know the gun giveaway was against the bylaws. So don't give me your high horse crappola that we aren't allowed an opinion until we are in a position to get our own free gun.

    And just a note there are some very notable folks on the forum that have rec'd a lot from the ATA and done a lot. And they are beating the drums also.

    And also......I wasn't dead when NW accused everyone in the forum of just learning to use their thumbs. So bite my thumb.
    dr.longshot and Flyersarebest like this.
  3. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    "degradation he is now receiving after death,"

    are the same remarks people made to him on here before his death.
    wpt likes this.
  4. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    Stl Flyn,
    Being directly involved (dealing with ) with the ATA is what put a really bad taste in my mouth for a multitude of reasons as well as a few others I know of by name, (Roger C.) can and will confirm some of the shit they pull and some of the things they take for granted and other things they more or less assume will be made available to them (think be catered to, Rock Star style ) ... It was not a good experience by any means and could of only got worse as time passed ... I have been a Life Member since 1975, was involved with the ATA through a club I was involved with and they get demanding really fast if you bow down to them ... I honestly do not know of any member who over time has not introduced and enticed people to join and shoot ATA (registered targets) not to mention the many clubs (grass roots) across the United States as well as Internationally who have gotten shooters to sign up and join ... If you are not a suck up those in positions on the EC, and many on the BOD do not want outsiders to get into the mix and blow their whole game plan ... I had met and talked to NW on a few occasions, he did not appear to have a lot of people he talked highly of so in turn the same came back to him ... I do not harp on it or feel it matters at this point in time, but Neil and I agreed to not communicate with each other because he didn't like me, nor did I like him, though I did love his Dog (Kyra) ... As they say shit happens, since his death I have unblocked him, that also does not matter ... I would imagine the founding Fathers of the Association are rolling in their graves the way things have gone for the past 20 plus years in and about the ATA ... Its not what it used to be and until there are major changes it will never draw a crowd ... Been there and done that ... WPT ... (YAC) ...

    I feel that every member over the years has been of service to and of the ATA in one way or another, we just don't get a new gun for our services ...
  5. Stl Flyn

    Stl Flyn Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    I probably should have left Neil out. It was more for his years of service with the ATA for reference. I understand the personality conflicts, and the disagreements of his suggested changes. My point was basically if you want to have more authority and create change, or have more responsibility for what the ATA does then get in a higher position than just being a member and shooting targets. There will always be different opinions as to what is right and what is wrong. They all carry the same weight individually. If the BOD and EC go with the majority of those opinions they should be representing those members. We all know trapshooters personalities can sometimes be pretty opinionated. I would think being in charge of an organization that hold such members is like trying to keep order of a herd of cats on leashes at a fireworks display. I always said, if you try to please everyone, you eventually are going to piss everyone off.

    ATA trapshooting is dying in general. The only reason the ATA is still alive today is because the youth shooters are forced to join the ATA in their scholastic sports. Once out of school they drop out when they foot the bill while having other responsibilities to survive financially. That is a constant rotation. As the older shooters start to retire from traveling and shooting ATA targets those are being replaced by additional scholastic shooters and some other age groups that are just getting into the sport. Once the costs are seen for the benefit of shooting those ATA targets, more often than not, they decide to shoot local money shoots or leagues to satisfy their efforts instead.

    Also, trapshooting is boring if there is not any reward other than bragging rights. Same reason why sporting clays is gaining in popularity so quickly. Different course setups, and target presentations keep it a constant change. If there is not a large purse to shoot for, what will the majority of shooters choose, especially the younger ADD shooters once they shoot the other clay sports, including bunker? I know of many older ATA trapshooters that now shoot sporting clays exclusively.

    So, we know what you all think needs to change to help the sport gain lasting membership? Get rid of the EC and BOD and replace them with people with your thoughts. If that is not happening get involved further to where that has a better chance of being implemented. It is very easy to be critical, sitting in a chair and despising people for their efforts. Get in a position to where you are the one despised for your thoughts and efforts of change.

    If you were ever in a higher up position, so state, and tell us what you tried to get done.
    trapshooter47 likes this.
  6. Smithy

    Smithy Mega Poster Founding Member

    St Flyn
    You know the 2012Pull gang is still part of ATA management right. Is that the type people you usually associate with? What crime families?

    Did you or any of your friends receive guns from the ata that were against the bylaws.

    You imply you have been involved a lot. What did you do to stop the corruption? When did you give up?
    Roger Coveleskie likes this.
  7. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    Stl Flyn,
    The ATA can get by on the daily fees collected by all of the clubs on behalf of the Association, just not at the level it is existing on today with expenses paid, free guns,supporting the EC 's bad habits, $200,000 yearly for a do nothing Talking Head, and all of the gifts generated by being on the EC and many on the BOD ... The Grass Roots clubs and their members do more to promote and enhance the ATA than the ATA does on behalf of the Membership or its own existence for that matter ... The EC does not want to have to associate with the very members they are supposed to represent, they want to be separated from and catered to while being sheltered from the members ... Members ask questions, they EC, ED, and many of the BOD do not like or feel they are obligated to answer those questions ... There was a time when it was not like that at all before the EC, ED and many on the BOD felt as though they were celebrities and should be treated as such ... I have been a Life Member since 1975, since then one group teaches the next group and then the next group of elected official how to play the game and how to milk the "Cash Cow" ... The ATA is by design set up so those who want to make changes or better the Association do not have a chance of getting in and staying in a position to do so (EXP: Doc Rively, was gone in less than 2 weeks ) ... Your ideas are valid, those in a position to keep them from becoming reality is like an Iron Curtain (ED, EC, Many on the BOD) and they will not let it happen ... You cannot get enough people on to go against them all at the same time ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
  8. Jakearoo

    Jakearoo Mega Poster Forum Leader

    Yep. But now he is dead.
    Hate on. It's good for you.
  9. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    Thank you for permission. I was really worried
    wpt, dr.longshot and Jakearoo like this.
  10. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    I still stand my ground on NW, I feel he could have done much more of betterment for the ATA. I* do not like liars, and he was IN THAT CATEGORY, I am sorry about his loss, He knew how to take down Neal Crusaby, and others, he was a Manipulator, he dazzled many with BS, on his Graphs, Graphs do not tell it like it is, it shows their direction and Ideas, just like the legal 1290fps 1 1/8th oz loads of 7 1/2s that he made legal, but who influenced him to do that. and it's not a DAMN 3 dram load as the rules state. The 1250 fps shells are 3 1/4 dram loads, he manipulated the SAAMI findings that have been set up for YEARS. He and I went around an around on the rules he wanted changed. How did that get changed. He dazzled them with BS and his graphs, I still posess the SAAMI rules. The 1290 FPS are 3 1/2 dram Loads. The actual Legal Shells are what never you want to load according to his Hypothesiss.. His affliction was why we had not heard from him this last year or so. All I had to do was to ignore him and have him BLOCKED

    Soft Easy angles to be hit with 1290fps 1 1/8th oz loads, Like shooting fish in a Barrell, Fluff Targets.

  11. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    Frank Rively was a good man for the job, and would have made a good ATA President, Ladies in the ATA office came forward under secrecy to tell him what has been going on and other problems with management, Why was he not invited into the Executive Meeting in his position w/the the ATA. My idea was they were worried about the Illeagal actions that were pointed out to him by the ATA Staff, Someone in the Office Squealed about what information he waS GIVEN, AND THEY WERE WORRIED ABOUT JAIL TIME. NW, RT, Secretary and Treasurer were in deep Doo Doo, and were running scared. Thet wanted to keep Rively Out of the Loop, as the changes he had already made were bothersome.

  12. History Seeker

    History Seeker A NoBody Founding Member Official Historian

    Stl Flyn,

    In 2007, one of our own on here was awarded the first ever ATA "Official of the Year" award for his dedication to the sport.

    Not only was he a Delegate of his state organization, but was VERY involved within the ATA, and Trapshooting Hall of Fame.

    Now, that being said, I believe this fellow was one of those who you are asking about.

    His attempts to keep the ATA and THOF on an even course has been his passion.

    He loves both the shooting sports, and the THOF, and only wishes the good things going forward for them in the future.

    When he sees things happening that he isn't too sure is for the GOOD of these organizations, he comes forward with his beliefs.

    He certainly is NOT bashing, only bringing forward his beliefs for the GOOD of the organizations.

    Now, this is a fellow putting his best foot forward for the GOOD of the shooters.

    Stl Flyn likes this.