From the ATA Executive Committee minutes of July 30, 2018. I thought some readers might be interested. HB
They could have had a debt free hall of fame if they had taken Mr. Fishburn's offered deal at the Cardinal. And They would have owned the building and the land it set on. How do all of these idiots get in charge of supposedly member owned associations? This will add about 15 or more nails in the coffin of the ATA. Paid for by the members and donated to the state of ill. does the bleeding never stop. Roger C.
It just gets better and better with these people. I think $5.00 instead of a lousy buck would help the cause much more and I'm sure the members wouldn't mind paying the increase FEE. After all, what's another $5 per event when you are shooting at the greatest place in the they world? Hell, they should charge people that only go to watch an admission FEE of $5.00 per visit. If you drive by the place it should cost you a dollar. They should make a deal with the airlines. Fly over the place and you pay an extra .50 on your ticket for the privilege. What a fantastic direction.
They could put scales outside the entrance to the rest rooms and charge by the pound for disposal (Weight in- weight out ) ... There are many way to assess the membership, the trick will be keeping them intact ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
Simple greater than math equation. Sixth grade stuff really. ATA Value of giving a free $17K gun to a target claiming President is GREATER THAN ( >) Donating to the HOF.
Roger, The leadership made up their mind to relocate out of Ohio, no matter what property or offer was made to them. Sparta, Illinois was their destination in total disregard of established due diligence requirements, offers of free property and even a free museum. Many members advised them of several problems likely to arise i.e. anti-gun legislation, lower attendance, decrease in financial support and artifact donations. However, the view through their rose colored glasses does not permit them to identify potential problems on the horizon. OK, while many did not believe Illinois was the proper place for the ATA and Trapshooting Hall of Fame, the decision was made and its long been done and over with. What really makes some of us scratch our heads in complete wonderment, is that both organizations gave up free land in close proximity to the WSRC, land that was part of the Peabody Energy's property at the World Shooting and Recreational Complex (WSRC). While some say it is not true, this offer was stated in ATA minutes, communications to ATA Delegates from the WSRC Project Manager Mike Hampton, and in a joint letter and Memorandum of Understanding from the Illinois Governor and Department of Natural Resources. How much land? 12 - 15 acres, donated fee simple. The ATA and THOF could have built their own complex adjacent to the WSRC, spent a lot less money in construction costs and owned their land and building. I guess it just wasn't a sweet enough deal and no doubt, had too many negatives, unknowns or hidden traps. HB
I would happily make a modest donation for the construction of a Hall of Shame for those leaders who have demonstrated their merits for induction.
They should have a banner in the sign up area. DUE TO THE COST OF THE HOF BUILDING THERE WILL BE $1.00 SURCHARGE PER SHOOTER FOR EVERY EVENT. The ata management understands that some shooters might be upset at this but it is all we could come up with. If you complain when you sign up the cost is the stated $1.00 per event. If you do NOT complain and actually feel this FEE increase is justified and a really great idea and have no problem with this added expense please let management know. YOUR FEE WILL BE $2.00 PER EVENT. Thank you for understanding, and shoot more events. We need the money!
AND read what the minutes hold after LINE 975: I cannot get over the fact that Mr. Bradford was trying to get money from a dead man's estate. Mr. Bradford wanted the ATA to give up the money to the THOF, but after reading the decision later on in minutes, it appeared someone would contact this man's ESTATE and let them make the decision to donate that Money. Sort of looked as though the ATA had to be asked for the money from the ATA and then have them donate it back. ???? I guess I am not sure whether the Estate had already received the monies or not...Appears NOT. Amazing what people will do when their backs are against a wall with lenders. Wonder IF we will ever see the outcome of this. ? Amazing what one will do to get payments for a State owned building.
When I look at this further , why would the ATA donate GUN monies to one who never completed his term ? I have nothing against Mr. Anzaldi at all, but I must wonder the REAL intention behind this request of the ATA.
More verification for those who might think the Hampton document may be a fake. I try very hard to always state the facts. After all, my integrity depends on it. You're not much of a person if you lack integrity. HB
Why ask a "a dead man's estate" to do something living people refuse to do ??????????? The current pipe-laying Pres. could set the example and donate his gift-gun ..... He always tells the lemmings how much he loves the ATA/Sparta/Trapshooting, so step up and set the example Mr. Pres. ....... Heck, maybe ol'N1H1 would donate his improper against the by-laws at the time gun-gift, if the layer-of-pipe would set this wonderful example .....
The day pipe layer donates the money other recipients better buy a lot of cold weather clothing. Because that's the day hell freezes over! If n1h1 (Swine Flu?) sells his gift gun and donates the proceeds swine will have wings and fly!
You just cannot make this stuff up, no body I know has that much of an imagination ... Thanks HB once again for your staying on top of things ... You the Man, Man ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
If the free building and land deals had been followed, no one could have profited from the buildings. Could that have been the reasons for not complying with the options stated in the agreements? Its a good thing the democrats are in charge of Illinios or these deals would have been investigated for fraud. Evil will prevail when honorable men do nothing. Roger C.
On another note; Maybe we should ask for the EC members past and present to donate any monies that they received from kick backs that they may have received from any deals made that pertained to the ATA move to Sparta, and in the aquirement of property by the ATA. If they received any such renumeration, it would be the honorable thing to do to donate it back to the association. I'm sure these gentlemen will agree to do so. Thank You. Roger C.
If these actions are not considered to be fraudulent and corrupt there is absolutely something wrong in this world … The IAG should be made aware of these transactions and prosecute as they see fit … WPT … (YAC) …
The IAG is probably a part of the problem. They could not have made the moves they did with out some one to cover for them. Roger C.
wpt said: "The IAG should be made aware of these transactions and prosecute as they see fit" I have it on good authority that the Illinois Attorney General's office received requests for an investigation of: 1. the presidential gun gift in direct violation of the By-Laws 2. the owner of 2012 PULL LLC, who kept his name off all paperwork regarding his involvement in the ATA's lease & purchase of the E. Broadway, Sparta property 3. 2012 PULL LLC was not registered to transact business in the State of Illinois. From everything I read it did not appear to me that the IAG was very interested in the matter. The IL Attorney General did get the ATA to amend the By-Laws to permit the gun gift or stop the practice. Bob Glatz advised them years ago but they thought he was wrong in his assessment. In actuality, he was spot on. HB
Call it what you want, think what you want to think , but this is as low down as it can get … There will be a line of people waiting to piss on their graves as they die off … WPT … (YAC) …
Is there not a code of conduct in the Article of Corporation pertaining to the misconduct and or not acting in the best interest of the said members of Association ..? This is disturbing and undeniable Corruption at work, yet there is no avenue for the members to put a stop to it ..? The Forefather's and founding members of the ATA never for one second would of condoned or expected this type of actions by the BOD, ED, EC , this you can be sure of ... There has to be a special place in Hell for people who can be outright thieves in so many ways ... The actions of the ED, EC and many of the BOD would be and can be compared to lower than Whale Shit that is for sure ... The State of Illinois cannot be so over the top corrupt than even the Ill. A.G. will stand by and watch this type of crap go on or can it be ..??? WPT ... (YAC) ...
@wpt I have opined in other threads, words to the effect that the Illinois and ATA relationship to each other is a barrier. Anything the state would try to do in the case of the ATA will publically embarrass Illinois. I do not expect much in the way of credible and critical review of ATA activity by the State of Illinois. There is too much of a conflict of interest in play. They are joined at the hip now and sleep in the same bed. The only agencies which have had any anti-corruption success in that state operate under authority derived from the United States Code. Illinois does not police itself. It never has in any kind of serious manner. They are more likely to go after a whistle blower and portray him as the bad apple.
When Leo and I first started traveling and shooting together we would talk about "when we would get into the HOF", it was one of the driving factors back then when we were 21 years old or so. We loved to shoot all over the country, we shot together from British Columbia to Maryland. Arizona to Florida and just about every state in between at one time or another in the 10 years we shot together. Back then we split are winnings so we could travel so much, it was hard to keep both us down at the same shoot so it worked out well for us. Later after we both got married and went our own ways we would still shoot together when we were both at shoots for many years and the grand american especially. When Leo went into the HOF I was proud of him as he was me when I made it. It was the realization of what we had talked about together on so many truck rides and nights spent together in a motel room, that was our lives back then on the trap shooting tournament trail. It was so much fun and I wouldn't do anything any different if I had the chance. It was good, even the misses and losses that made the wins and hits more enjoyable. We were not alone back then, just look at the shooters from the 70's and 80's that are in the HOF and I can assure you that most if not all of them felt the same way. It was on our minds back then. We would make reverences to it as we were all on the same ATA shoot ride. Now today I can't speak for Leo and he can't speak for himself but I have a pretty good idea of what he would say and think about this HOF of today but I can speak for my self and as happy as I was to get into the HOF in 2000 the shit show it has become under Bradford's leadership embarrasses me for all the old guys that I shot with and against that aren't here anymore and what we went through to get into the HOF. I know what they sacrificed, I know how they made it, and I know the costs of it family wise and money wise too. So from Me for the OLD guys "you asses that are running the HOF should be ashamed of yourselves, you are an embarrassment to all that came before in trap shooting and I hope there is a special place in Hell waiting for you. Brad Dysinger
The actions of the ED, EC, and many on the BOD are comparable or equal to stealing from a blind man ... The lacking of "Integrity" is beyond ones comprehension on so many levels its unbelievable ... If any of them wonder why they are not respected all they have to do is look at their past practices ... I feel they are or should be subject to prosecution for many of the actions taken that were not beneficial to the Association and or membership in general ... We can only pray they get their due ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
So there are actually two ways one gets the honor of being elected to the HOF-shooting skills or money. They must have taken a que from the latest college entrance scandal.