So this guy has a shot at a job. High paying job. He might get to be the Executive Director for this non profit organization. If hired his first job is to find a house for the corporate office. So they are at this meeting and this guy Taylor says I make a motion we hire Lynn. And guess what....Lynn gets the job. And Lynn finds Taylor’s place. (within days?). I report. You decide. Merlo out
Chapter 2 The Corp then makes improvements to Taylor’s place and rents it. After the improvements they get the place appraised and pay top dollar. Not until Taylor’s Corp sucks up the rent. Some have all the luck. Fiction? I report. You decide. Merlo out
And when asked the question as to WHO is PULL LLC, you get a note back that the General Membership will be notified on a NEED TO KNOW BASIS. Then it is discovered the minutes were erroneously approved without the most important part of the PULL LLC included...Should have read 2012 PULL LLC. Only the constant investigations and inquiries of the General Membership uncovered the REAL truth to what went on behind closed doors. It's all about HISTORY now, BUT it should always be remembered that sometimes the REAL story is behind the scenes. History can, and sometimes does prevent future misgivings.
What I find the most interesting is the reaction to the "story" ..... The reaction seems to go something like this ..... Did you hear about the ATA's 2012 Pull "story" ????? Yes ..... What do you think ????? Will I get to keep standing on the 27 ????? Yes ..... Then let the guys on the "dark site" worry about it ..... Agreed ..... FWIW ..... There seems to not be a single ATA official involved, or has been made aware of after, that has shown any public remorse ..... That should tell everyone, there is not fix for what the ATA does not acknowledge .....
That sure is some story Merlo. Your story must certainly be a work of fiction. The "white hat" leaders of any organization would never permit a scheme of this magnitude to happen. Right? The non-profit organization in your first post does resemble a well-known world-wide trapshooting association.
Gee HB, Mr. Gipson was hired, and the decision to give him the authority to act on behalf of he ATA to accomplish the relocation, all in one meeting ?!?!?!?!!!!!! Well, Fancy that.
I cannot vouch for the validity of A.T.A. minutes. They appear on their webpage, but we've all found inaccuracies and important details intentionally omitted from those official records. But, according to A.T.A. minutes, YES, "all in one meeting." HB
Jake, Those are that actions that infer under the table actions are taking place. There was considerable profit made on the ATA office building. Was that what the discussions were in the meetings? Inquiring minds would like to know. Those actions do not instill trust in the EC. Roger C. PS I wonder how that profit was divided up?????????
Yes ..... Stop feeling the victim and use all the available wisdom to work on a ATA replacement ..... Our glory days didn't just happen, they were the result of those before us putting in the time and effort to make it possible ..... Time to pay it forward ..... or turn "sometimes the bastards win", into the bastards won ..... FWIW ..... The idea that changes that may attract more 'new shooters', may 'run-off' some of the old shooters that are killing the sport, is asinine at best .....
Jake, The ATA by design would prevent anything major in the way of changes because there is no way to get enough people on the BOD or EC to upset the actions of the ED, EC, and many on the BOD … This has been orchestrated over time as people (?) move through the chairs and positions … If by chance there was a way to initiate legal actions to some how get rid of those responsible for some of the actions by court order, that might be a way out of the mess … The IAG was notified at one point, never did a complete investigation but said there was nothing they found to be illegal activities, even though there were discrepancies against the BY Laws of the Corp (surprise, surprise ) … I do not recall if the exact finding was published or if it just got shuffled around and swept under the carpet again … The ATA is (has become ) a Cash Cow for the ED, EC and many on the BOD so who will stand up against the rest of them first remains to be seen … WPT … (YAC) …
OK Merlo. So your story does seem to be factual so far. Surprising how the E. D.'s involvement in locating the property finally surfaced in a November 2018 article. So, if the Executive Director in your story found the property . . . why didn't he suggest the A.T.A purchase the property for $75,000? How was 2012 PULL, LLC, a Kansas corporation able to buy the property out from under the A.T.A.? I'll be checking out this claim to see if it follows the story line. HB
I'm sure there is a snake in the wood pile in this transaction. Any one playing with a full deck can see it. My question is how do they keep getting away with their underhanded dealings. BUILDING- TRAP MACHINES,WITH NO COMPETITIVE QUOTES, FREE GUNS FREE MACHINES FOR VOTES, AND OTHER PERKS THAT WE DO NOT KNOW ABOUT. They have a very low opinion of all of the members in the ATA. Could this have anything to do with the rapid decrease of the membership roles? Roger C.
Roger says: I'm sure there is a snake in the wood pile in this transaction. Any one playing with a full deck can see it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The full deck is all on a few lines...LOL Lines 432 through 437 of HB's posted minutes pretty much sums it all up in one nut shell. AND, Gipson is STILL sticking with his 60,000 member report...What a joke ! My wife is still on the rolls and hasn't been a member for years. Another friend was killed on his way home from a shoot in 2016, and he is still listed on the rolls. The list goes on and on. How many others can you look up on the ATA web site under the Shooter Information Center that are no longer members and see them still listed ? Try it, and you just may figure out how they come up with that 60,000 mark. Just a WAG on my part, but this may explain it.
Does it seem odd, that the "ATA" could take the supposed millions from the ' home grounds sale ', and turn it into tens of millions supposedly using a rapidly dying sport/charity ???????????? All those inflated numbers may just be a veiled attempt to deflect IRS attention ..... It MAY NOT be just some in-house joke to be laughed at ..... For the ATA's first 100 years, it seems there were a bunch of good old amateur boys with shotguns having fun, and they worked hard to provide a ' home grounds ' ..... now ' we ' let blind trust possibly create the poison pill to end it ..... We don't know what we don't know ..... but a wild ass guess says the unknown is much greater than the known, and is/has been very destructive ..... Where is a copy of the ' eviction notice ' that was supposed to be given to the ATA ????? There doesn't seem to be one from OHIO, or DAYTON, or VANDALIA, or ????? Some people seemed to have jumped at a chance to make money for themselves from a lie ..... period ..... And it seems some are willing to continue the probable lies/deceptions/inflating in hopes of keeping the cash cow alive and well .....
How about this "story" ?????? This story says ..... when the ATA owned the home grounds, making all "grand" camping and vending fees go directly to them ..... and the entries in the GAH alone was from 4 to 5 thousand shooters ..... and assuming the Ohio State Shoot paid for the use of the grounds ..... the ATA didn't seem to make mega-bucks ..... Now ..... by some unknown miracle ..... the "grand" is this mega-money-making-machine ..... and the ATA is doing better than EVER BEFORE ..... Does something seem odd about this "story" ????????????
Bernie Madeoff (spelling may be wrong) was worth Billions until he wasn't. I don't believe anything that the EC and the Director prints and I'd advise you all not to also.
Brad, Some people are not smart enough to run a successful business. Then there a some that can profit from a business that is failing. The ATA seems to have an over abundance of money, and a big lack of members. Makes one wonder what is happening. Roger C.