Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum - Americantrapshooter.com' started by Roger Coveleskie, Dec 8, 2018.

  1. Roger Coveleskie

    Roger Coveleskie State HOF Founding Member Member State Hall of Fame

    Just opened up my Spring Grand program, $40.00 per hundred for targets, $6.00 for fees, $30.00 for shells. $76.00 and if you are lucky you may win a ribbon.
    If you shoot all of the preliminary and the Grand, targets, shells and fees, total $1964.00 and you have not played any options. Motel cost for eleven days, estimated at $85.00 per day $935.00. Food estimated at $50.00 per day $550.00, Before you know it you have spent some serious money. TOTAL $4229.00
    This does not include any travel costs. Do you still wonder where the blue collar shooters are?
    If you bring any family the costs are more. Roger C.
  2. rookieshooter

    rookieshooter Mega Poster Forum Leader

    Percentage wise, I could that same $4229 plus options for 11 days and shoot years of non reg 50 and 10 bird money shoots here in Ohio,never drive over 1 1/2 hours, spend every night in my own bed (no bed bugs), shoot every shoot with my buddies, break even or most likely make money. This is based on my own past experience shooting these shoots.
    Yours may be different.
    Good Luck to you guys going.
    Par4 and Roger Coveleskie like this.
  3. History Seeker

    History Seeker A NoBody Founding Member Official Historian


    There ARE A FEW BLUE COLLAR guys and gals around who I admire for their ability and able to mostly pay for their shooting.

    I know one who recently moved to PA from NY, one fellow from NJ, and a gal from Michigan who can't go to all the shoots because she teaches students valuable lessons in life. Those are some I knew personally, and I am sure there are others.

    All that being said, these are the exception rather than the rule.

    I could no longer keep going to the Registered shoots being a retired grease monkey. It just priced me out of the game (as well as other things) but I still enjoy going to visit our friends from the past at some of the more local shoots.
    Roger Coveleskie and Par4 like this.
  4. Par4

    Par4 Well-Known Member

    The last two years I shot preliminary week only. I was able to avoid the big crowd week and had enough green to make the Arizona State Shoot in March both years. The $40.00 per hundred does cause me to reflect upon my future driving compass for 2020. I know Casa Grande is showing $35.00 per hundred the week prior to the Spring Grand. Ben Avery charged $32.00 per hundred at Arizona State last year. When I see the target price for the January “Chain” Shoot and this years State Shoot; I will know more. :)

    Right now, I am contemplating how many yellow dogs and birds Terry Dean wants his 1099 to reflect? :) Maybe they just want give class and category down to about fifth place at the US Open.:)
  5. Krieghoff-80

    Krieghoff-80 Well-Known Member

    Most likely not a way I would spend $4229.00. I am sure the smaller clubs (and I) could benefit more from that kind of money.