Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum -' started by Cowboydon, Mar 25, 2019.

  1. Cowboydon

    Cowboydon Active Member

    I'm on my 4th Seitz, love the gun, having trouble getting use to the trigger, any tip on how, except to shoot 5000 rounds.

  2. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    Have a good trigger man set it for you, they are supposed to be super fast, but if you can't adjust to it get it adjusted ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
  3. User 1

    User 1 Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    Is it your "4th" consecutive Seitz, or were/are there other shotguns involved in going back and forth ?????????

    Pull or release trigger ?????

    And who made the wood ?????? They use several different makers, and the grip may not work well for your size hand .....

    Here ..... ..... tells where/what/how to lube on your trigger, that may help .....

    FWIW ..... I have owned/shot several of their shotguns, and NEVER had anyone other than "Rich" at Silver Seitz work on them .....
  4. Jumanji

    Jumanji Well-Known Member

    Try increasing the trigger pull weight to 5+ pounds. You'll also likely need to raise your POI a few inches to make up for the fast trigger and pointing.
  5. User 1

    User 1 Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    "Make up for the fast trigger" as compared to what ????? Three other Silver Seitz shotguns ???????

    A "fast pointing" shotgun, as compared to a slower pointing one, would require the opposite of your advice ..... Slowing the trigger down would only make a "fast pointing" shotgun shoot higher and more in front of targets .....

    Cyber advice without knowing the person, or all the details, makes for something to read ..... but, would seem to not have any other real value .....
    Union Strong and Jakearoo like this.
  6. Cowboydon

    Cowboydon Active Member

    I get the new Seitz today, and I'm going to a release, I will shoot it until I master it, never ever give up.
  7. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    If you are getting the gun today, how may I ask did you know you need any trigger work done to it,because you couldn't get used to it ..? WPT ... (YAC) ...
    Michael McGee likes this.
  8. Cowboydon

    Cowboydon Active Member

    it is my 3rd seitz in 1 year. I shot it yesterday with the number 4 rib, 100 110 120 130.
    have it set at 110. I will get use to the trigger, I think it was more keeping my head down and watch the pieces.
  9. Par4

    Par4 Well-Known Member

    It has been my experience that the grip distance to the trigger is more critical on a Silver Seitz than other guns. The wide flat trigger requires a closer grip than might be needed on guns with a narrow flat face trigger or narrow radiused face trigger. That is my take. Good luck as you learn to deal with whatever you found not to your liking about your trigger. As noted by user1, the grip may be the cause of the “trigger trouble.”
  10. Buck Snort

    Buck Snort Member

    I would only have Rich at Silver Seitz adjust your trigger .
    I have had bad experience with others working on my trigger .
    He will adjust it and ship it back the same day .
  11. Cowboydon

    Cowboydon Active Member

    trigger is good, put number 4 rib on set a 110, have not missed a bird in two days. 16 yard.
    thanks for the input/
  12. DDM

    DDM Mega Poster

    I am testing my first Seitz and am finding the distance from the grip to the trigger is about 1/2" too long. I have a setback trigger so there is nothing to do there... guess my only option is to replace the stock down the road.