I've got several old cars that are becoming bottomless money pits. One more break down and I'll be donating them as first prize at next shoot. And you must accept prize! LOL
I suggested a purse be mandatory on Championship targets at the registered shoots to be divided with in the class's with the separation of the Top Gun's, "Pros", Instructors, who could and should shoot for their own monies ... With the technology today being able to separate them should not be a problem and it could be an incentive for a lot of people who enjoyed shooting for money in the years gone by ... There was no interest in my suggestion, let alone having a car to shoot for again as in years gone by ... Those days are gone but the ATA wants to collect another $1.00 per event to pay off the HOF, which is basically storage from what I have been told, no body ever goes there, they do not even have set hours of operation ....The days of shooting for cars is over, done and probably never be seen or heard of again ... WPT ... (YAC) ...