Republicans were at Crossroads Shooting Range in Iowa today, and Ted Cruz was said to be a good shot GB....................DLS
The problem with Cruz, is people are calling him an "Anchor Baby", because he was actually born in Canada ... If not Trump, I would rather have a Canadian in the White house than any of the democrats that are running for the office ... We have had a Kenyan, not for 4 years but for 8 and he obviously don't have a clue ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
Not only Ted Cruz was there (several times) but Rand Paul, Donald Trumps two sons and Janet Huckabee were there shooting and talking politics at different times according to their Facebook postings.
I know and shot trap with many people who were pillars in the Chicago Democratic Organization, Aldermen, Committee men, Mayoral Body guards, even a few Hollyweirdo's , actors, Judges, Lawyers and teachers ... The democrats "Democratic Organizations" want to be able to control not be controlled , they eat , sleep, drink, etc. and put their pants on one leg at a time just like the rest of us ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
Some also shot at Lincoln Park on the Chicago lakefront.When the Illinois State shoot was held in Springfield the govenor would come out for the Govenors Handicap at Mathers Land of Sports.Some even shot a round of trap.The old Northbrook Club had its share of politicians.Almost like the Italian Mafia.This was a time when downtown chicago stores sold guns and ammo,and had gun rooms, and gunsmiths on there premises.Even Marshall Fields,now called Macy