REMINGTON 90T custom side plates

Discussion in 'For Sale-Wanted to Buy' started by pete kostopoulos, Jul 14, 2024.

  1. pete kostopoulos

    pete kostopoulos Mega Poster

    I have duplicated the 90T side plates .
    Offering engraved or plain to do as you wish with . Here are the examples we have .
    Prices will Include up to 3 letters or the broken clay.

    Engraving done by my good friend

    Engraved choose any option $400.00
    (Up to 3 letters or a broken clay)

    Plain Blanks $250.00

    Attached Files:

    Christian Sinsky Sr. and cl3 like this.
  2. pete kostopoulos

    pete kostopoulos Mega Poster