Krieghoff-80, I don't know what information you are looking for (contact information, life story, samples of his engraving, etc) but I'm sorry to report I have no information on him. I have a file on about 26 engravers, two of which were the only two lady engravers (according to newspaper reports) in the country, but have not heard of Mr. Washburn. I checked newspapers and found nothing, not even an advertisement of his services. I've PM'd you on information I found on the Parker Gun webpage forum, where one member provided his contact information. I cannot confirm the information but its the best I could do. I did create a file on him just in case I come across some news. I believe he may have been from Duluth, Minnesota. Hopefully some Minnesotan members of this forum may know of Mr. Washburn and contribute some data. HB
There is a garage gunsmith from that state that watches this site all the time. Maybe he can help with some info.