Questions about Trap Shooting

Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum -' started by BRAD DYSINGER, Aug 22, 2019.

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    BRAD DYSINGER The Philosophist Founding Member Member Trapshooting Hall of Fame Member State Hall of Fame

    From time to time their are questions asked on this site about trap shooting, guns, money shooting, where you look, where you hold (thank god no 7 1/2 or 8's) ect. I talked to Family Guy and I thought it might be nice to try an answer some for shooters new and old. So if you want get your questions to the Family Guy and we can see what to do with them.

    I don't PM because I don't have the time and I don't check every thread out just the ones that interest me but I'd be happy to offer my opinion or tell you how I used to do it if anyone is interested. I like talking shop, theory, mechanics or to analyze why something happens with a shotgun when you shoot it. I've shot over a million shotgun shells in the last 60 years at trap, pigeons, sporting and my first love game birds, so there is little both good or bad that I haven't experienced and I'd love to maybe pass on some of it to whomever is interested.

    Instead of a rambling free for all I think it would work best to have Family Guy pick out a question that we can explore more in detail than just a 7 1/2 or 8's type answer. I hope to hear from some of you and remember NO question or theory can't be discussed. That's one of the things that I used to really like about ATA shooting. All the screwy things trap shooters do to their guns or are willing to try to find that extra target.
  2. lord maker

    lord maker Mega Poster Founding Member

    I will start.

    I made the 27 at Grand. I went from 92 avg at 26 to 89 at 27. Im guessing its between the ears. Im also thinking a lower hold point may help.

    I shoot the same gun/setup for all three events, so I dont want to mess with that. I shoot full choke, 7.5s, 1200FPS.

    BRAD DYSINGER The Philosophist Founding Member Member Trapshooting Hall of Fame Member State Hall of Fame

    Try 8's, just kidding I'll be happy to answer questions but get them to Family Guy so we can have some kind of order to the process. Back in the day when the All American team only had a few on it Betty Ann had a Tips from the Top shots in Trap & Field each month, that is what I would hope this to become, more of a help column on Shot Gunning.

    I constantly have had people ask me what I do (job) I tell them that since the advent of political correctness I'm now a philosopher. In the old days I was know as a Bull Shitter.

    But to answer your question lord maker absolutely NO difference between 26 and 27 when it comes to trap shooting but the distance between your ears.
  4. User 1

    User 1 Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    Not sure how you wanted this to work ... separate threads or ????? ... But, there is a "theory" I would love to see as a topic .....

    That is raising the comb ONLY to raise the POI .....

    Not doubt small adjustments may keep everything in order ..... but, at what point could your eye be far enough above the rib to start losing track of the end of the barrel ??????

    Looking "flat down" a rib, it should be easier the keep the rib and your eye "together" on a moving target ..... The higher your eye is above the rib, it seems it would be easy to have your eye/eyes leave the barrel behind .....

    The great graph-maker would raise the comb ONLY on a bench-rest shot to get the desired POI ..... My thought is on a moving target, looking too far "over" a rib would make it hard to keep your eye and the rib "locked" together on the target .....

    BRAD DYSINGER The Philosophist Founding Member Member Trapshooting Hall of Fame Member State Hall of Fame

    • My idea the way I had my gun set up was a 100% high with the beads lined up looking flat down the rib on a bench shot. There are many variables that we can talk about this and what I did, at different clubs for instances, or different winds, or even different altitudes of the clubs. Just a lot of little tricks I picked up that helped me. This would be a great topic that I'd love to talk about. I hope we can get the Family Guy to come up with a plan to make this work because it will be fun for me and I hope helpful for someone else as well.
    • .
  6. Mike J

    Mike J Mega Poster Forum Leader

    Thanks for this great offer Brad. I guess Family Guy will use questions posted on this thread to make his list. I would like to know if you have an opinion of which is better, looking below the gun as taught by Leo or looking parallel to the rib as taught by Harlan. I tried looking below the gun and it worked for every post other than post 1 in singles. I gave up on it but use the technique to look for the first target on post 3 in doubles. Your thoughts would be appreciated.
  7. lord maker

    lord maker Mega Poster Founding Member

    Having taken Harlan's class and watching Leo's DVDs. You have to adapt. If there is no wind = Harlan. Otherwise Leo.
  8. ebsurveyor

    ebsurveyor State HOF Founding Member Forum Leader Member State Hall of Fame

    Hey Brad, we need a book. How about "Evolution of a Trapshooter"? The book would have a chapter dedicated to good living shots, example: Dysinger, Ohye, Robinson, Stafford, Munson, Bonillas, maybe Kiner (is he alive?). How many chapters does it take to make a book? BTW, I remember when you started shooting a high shooting gun. I think I remember you saying that you're shooting the targets the same way you always did and that you must have been shooting under them all these years. Lots of good trapshooting information will be lost as time marches on.
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