I am not saying Sparta is having trouble. But, there are some out there that do not attend shoots there. Thanks to you guys in the trenches. I report. You decide. Merlo out
HA! After I voted NO I went back up and read the first choice. That's some funny stuff right there Merlo. From the turnout for the GAH event over the last 10 years I would say there are about 2,000+ shooters that have voted #1
The way it was done is far more annoying than it getting done ... It appears that the fix was in and it was going to be Sparta no matter what, regardless of who liked it or not ... There is no way to prove it but someone got greased besides benefits by making sure the ATA moved to (relocated) to Sparta, Ill ... The POLL s that were out there showed a lack of interest on the parts of the majority of the members which obviously did not matter to those who had the say so at the time ... The EC dictated to the BOD that it was Sparta or nothing according to a few of the then BOD that I have talked to over the years, their voting in favor of Sparta cost one something that he cherished more then life itself and he took it to the grave with him ... Sparta is about as good as its going to get so if that's what they wanted they got it and a bag of chips ... The older shooters are dying off and the majority of the younger up and coming shooters might be around for awhile but the future of the ATA and it being located in Sparta does not look good over in the long run ... There are not enough of the older shooters who care enough to want to force changes so it will die a slow and agonizing death ... The Ec, Ed, and many on the BOD will continue milking the cash cow that has been created until it dries up ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
With the ATA think NASCAR. Going in circles is killing the sport. Both got away from their base and went bonkers. Neither listen to their customers. Both are getting what they deserve. Look at the Democrats today, nut bags and commies. My 86 year old mother who was a life long democrat voted straight Republican last election. I blame it all on the education system. Today's teaching philosophy is all f**ked up. It's no wonder the kids are the way they are. It's just to bad that trap shooting had to follow the NEW trend. In answer to the poll I wouldn't shoot any ATA targets anywhere even if they paid me again, until as the Donald says, they "lock them up." Brad