$40,000 guaranteed purse for Handicap Championship event. $35 entry fee. You have to play it to win it. How should the purse be divided?
How did they do it at the inaugural Championship Series event on Labor Day weekend? N1H1 "First shoot is labor day weekend. There will be a preliminary event Saturday. Special event auction Saturday evening. Sunday is the main event." (Merlo, Rules and information on Championship Series, 13 April, 2018. "It will happen. Bet on it. Money and vendor sponsors are higher than expected. Logistics with the clubs are still being worked out." (Merlo, 10 July, 2018) Can I still bet? Just send my winnings to Family Guy.
ol'N1H1 is going to learn how to "play nice". A threat from N1H1 ..... "No, I threatened to sue if patently libelous postings continues to appear here. It appears to have worked." A post from ol'N1H1 ..... "If this were true, which it isn't ..... It never happened. it's just one of Longshot's fantasy trips again." libelous ..... "referring to something that causes harm to someone's reputation especially with malice or disregard." https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/libelous So ..... "play nice" ol'N1H1 ..... or, I have a "bet" for you .....
The one where you went to that place in IL. and there were 4,000 shooters actually shooting the GAH event? Or the one where you pulled into that place in BFE and there were 15,000 people there Or the one where the HOF building WASN'T owned by the state of IL. Or the one where you knew all about the sleazy deal made using PULL2012 BEFORE it was exposed on this site. Or the one that DIDNT have a graph or chart in it? Dysinger was right!
Neil, Do you think the ATA would want to see a law suit, that would include the power of discovery involving the actions of the ATA.? There are some people that would like to some people under oath. Be careful what you ask for as you may not like what you get. Roger C.
That must have been some fantasy trip, Was I really there more than just the one time. GB.....................DLS
That's the beauty of old age -- Just got back from my class reunion and was credited to catching the winning touch down in our homecoming game -- And I never played football -- If I live long enough the club will be giving me a five hundred straight patch just from past story's -- I love getting old
"That's the beauty of old age -- Just got back from my class reunion and was credited to catching the winning touch down in our homecoming game" rrisum, at least you knew whether you attended your class reunion or not! I went to my 45th reunion this summer (I think). It was suppose to be held at a bar 6-10pm. I walked into the bar and went into the bar room and didn't recognize anybody. I asked the 20 something year old bartender if there was another room or party room. She said there was a party room out back - well I walked into it and all I saw were a bunch of 60 something year old people in there - so I knew that couldn't be my high school class and walked out. Back to the bar for 2 beers and then home. Got home and checked the invite - and yeah I had the date and time and place right - just nobody there. So I'm not for sure I can even say I attended by high school reunion can I?
I had one good hunting, fishing, all around get in trouble with buddy in my four years of private high school. The rest of the uppity asshats I had no use for. That is why, when they called me about their 10th reunion, 38 years ago, I told them "I didn't like any of you condescending arrogant SOB' s then. Why in the world would I BUY tickets to see any of you jagoffs now?" For all you that don't know, jagoff(one word) is a Pittsburgh phrase we perfected.
Yeah, I'm scared to death of a "law suit". Someone would have to be a jagoff to believe I would be. Dysinger was right.
I am the only one that voted for the winner takes all. I must be a greedy dreamer Looks like most people voted for the way the ATA ran the two $30,000 purses at the last Grand...unless I didn't understand what they did.