Pilla outlaw 7x SOLD

Discussion in 'For Sale-Wanted to Buy' started by dean scott, Aug 1, 2020.

  1. dean scott

    dean scott Mega Poster

    I have 5 lenses,26ed, 76hc never used, $175 per. 50rhc worn a couple of times$150. 44n and 66n were my go to lenses, the 44n has one very small scratch on the bottom right side not in view and the 66n has a small scratch on left side in view but I could not see it with the glasses on, $75 per and the case $30. Sell separate or everything for $625.

    Attached Files:

  2. 77Racer

    77Racer Member

    PM sent
  3. Grubbybones

    Grubbybones Mega Poster

    do you want to get rid of the frames
  4. dean scott

    dean scott Mega Poster

    Keeping the frames
  5. mac1

    mac1 Well-Known Member Founding Member

    P.M sent
  6. dean scott

    dean scott Mega Poster

    66n and case are the only things left, buy them both for $ 90 shipped.
  7. Grubbybones

    Grubbybones Mega Poster