Perazzi stock only cheap

Discussion in 'For Sale-Wanted to Buy' started by loanman, Sep 17, 2019.

  1. loanman

    loanman Moderator V I P Founding Member

    Perazzi stock only for dropout trigger receiver. This stock is unique in that the adjustable comb hardware goes up and down by putting the adjustable comb wrench through the bottom of the stock (see photos). This is how you raise and lower the comb

    Dimensions off flat rib barrel:
    1.29 x 1.49 x 1.77
    No palm swell
    3/8 toe out
    Length of pull 14 inches





    cl3 likes this.
  2. Don Karlen

    Don Karlen Mega Poster

  3. Billfish11

    Billfish11 Active Member

    Hi Bruno, I’ll take it pending a few questions, Bill. Pm sent
  4. loanman

    loanman Moderator V I P Founding Member

    stock is SOLD