For sale is one Perazzi MX8 trigger group that has been fitted for double release by Allem. It is a fully functioning non-selective trigger. Top barrel fires first then on inertia the bottom barrel will fire. It appears to me to have a nickel finish on the bow and frame. Leather case included. May require some minor fitting. SN 74xxx. $995.00 shipped. PM Jim Veta.
Veta's trigger is just one year old and made to latest specs offered by Allem. It is a great "trainer" for your physical and mental coordination for release triggers. Too, even tho it is top first it easily converts to bottom first by removing the top foot. I shoot Allem in the same way, but to a top gun (MX3 Special) and remove the bottom foot. Allem's roller system has 4 different rollers that are easily changed and offer minor timing changes.
One more item worthy of notice. Allem Triggers (many other brands as well) will stay "in tune" if you use a smidge of lube on the Hammer pin every few weeks and another smidge at the sear lever hook contact bottom of the hook*. Couple times a season. I use plain wheel bearing grease on a nose/nasal swab. Use minimal amount. The actual lube spot should not show lube. Easily done by pulling the inertia block back to get at the contact point. Great trigger. Don 't miss it. *Allem's Roller eliminates usual wear as it moves on the sear lever.
This is back up sale. Moderator please remove the SPF. The price is 950.00 shipped. You may have to Do some fitting to your receiver or not. You may have to adjust the Poundage to your liking for set and release or not. It may fit perfect. It did for me.