Perazzi live bird trigger for MX8 type receiver

Discussion in 'For Sale-Wanted to Buy' started by Joe Winnicki, Dec 25, 2018.

  1. Joe Winnicki

    Joe Winnicki Guest

    Bottom barrel first coil spring trigger from an MX8b the trigger is rare, the "B" was for bunker, some associated the "B" with boxed "birds" little chance for a mishap with the coil trigger. A broken Perazzi Leaf spring trigger during a pigeon shoot can be costly. Like new. $695.00 $10.00 shipping.

    Joe, In Reno, Nv.

    Attached Files:

  2. Grubbybones

    Grubbybones Mega Poster

    Do you have the rest of the gun mx8b
  3. Joe Winnicki

    Joe Winnicki Guest

    No I do not, sold it.
  4. Grubbybones

    Grubbybones Mega Poster

    Im looking for one any idea's
  5. Joe Winnicki

    Joe Winnicki Guest

    Perazzi only made the MX8B for a couple years in the mid 80s. I had a MX8B up until a couple of years ago sold it to a friend, bought the gun just for the trigger, kept the unique trigger for shooting pigeons and ZZ birds. Have not seen a MX8B since ! Good luck

  6. Grubbybones

    Grubbybones Mega Poster

    Thanks Joe starting to shoot birds friend said this might be a good start. my kolar is to heavy.