Perazzi barrel hangers?

Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum -' started by sport-trap, Jun 24, 2018.

  1. sport-trap

    sport-trap Sport-Trap

    Need help.

    I currently have a set of 34" o/U flat rib barrels that are about ready for an update on the side ribs.

    My question is as follows.

    Do I remove them all together and go with a K-gun type hanger or have them re-soldered with shorter (2") side rib at the muzzle. My intention is to lighten the barrels a bit and maintain PoI.

    Just need a few suggestions on who can do this type of work, and what option is the best way forward.

    thanks, anthony
  2. Jakearoo

    Jakearoo Mega Poster Forum Leader

    Call Lucio Sosta in Azusa, Ca and ask him.
    sport-trap likes this.
  3. Sovrapposti

    Sovrapposti Well-Known Member

    Side rib is for stabilizing barrels POI regulation. It's not something you want to remove completely without knowing how to replace them properly.
    sport-trap likes this.
  4. coldtrail

    coldtrail Active Member

    You are going to play hell trying to get your convergence right
    Par4 likes this.
  5. sport-trap

    sport-trap Sport-Trap

    I've decided not to touch, especially since I'm extremely happy with the current POI.
    Thanks to all who replied.
    Par4 and Sovrapposti like this.