The 2016 Ohio Youth Trapshooting Coaches Meeting is scheduled for 10:00am Saturday, February 20th at the Ohio Sportsman's Farm League 1755 S. Jacoby Rd. Copley, Ohio 43321. Lunch will be provided. You can RSVP to Harvey Bechtel (330)620-6909 If you are a new or existing team, we encourage you to attend. We will be discussing our SCTP and Aim youth shooting schedule as well as creating a Midway USA endowment account for your team. We will also have information about a Coaches Certification Clinic on February 27th & 28th at the Centerburg Conservation Club 5680 Sycamore Rd. Centerburg, Ohio 43011 Contact Rob Kinsella (419)560-4677 Dave Schock (937)681-0569
Dave why don't you tell the people on this site how much money the SCTP youth teams have gotten from Midway endowment since it started, was that 5 years ago now? Time flies.
Brad it was not a small sum given to the SCTP and Other Youth shooting venues. Including shells and targets, and I heard some guns too. GB..................DLS
Hey Brad, Thanks to your insight, the OSTA is in partnership with the Midway USA Foundation as a state resource. This will be our 4th year with the Midway USA Foundation, and just about all of our youth trapshooting teams have endowment accounts set up with them. So far the Midway USA Foundation / OSTA Foundation have deposited over $440,000.00 in endowment funds to Ohio youth trapshooting programs the last three years. The youth trapshooting teams can apply for 5% of their endowment account total once per year. They can deposit funds into their accounts by doing fundraisers and by "shooting well"at the Ohio SCTP Trapshooting Championship which we are proud to have the youth shooters open our Ohio State Trapshooting Tournament. Any deposit a youth teams makes from fundraisers into their endowment account, the Midway USA Foundation matches at least 1 to 1. This has been a great program for the youth shooters from Ohio and across the country. Dave Schock
Dave I'm really excited about the SCTP coming to Ohio and the CC. You know I've been angling for this for years, the CC and the SCTP are a match made in heaven.
That Midway USA Endowment program has been nothing short of spectacular for Ohio youth trap shooters. Most teams now have their endowments to a level where the youth shooter has very little investment other than their time in learning to shoot and competing.
The shoot in July at the Cardinal will be something. I was told there will be 8 days of trap shooting. Four days of handicap and doubles and four days of singles. I'm looking forward to being there. Brad
Tentative Program: Trap – 200 targets Skeet – 200 targets Sporting Clays – 200 targets Skeet Doubles – 100 targets Handicap Trap – 200 targets Trap Doubles – 200 targets Tentative Schedule: July 9/10 (Saturday/Sunday) Skeet Double Trap Handicap Trap July 11/12 (Monday/Tuesday) Skeet Sporting Clays Double Trap Handicap Trap July 13 (Wednesday) Opening Ceremonies Annie Oakley Pizza/Soda Party July 13/14 (Wednesday/Thursday) Skeet Sporting Clays 16 yd Trap Skeet & Sporting Clays Awards (evening) July 15 (Friday) Skeet Doubles Handicap & Double Trap Awards (evening) Annie Oakley Ice Cream Social July 15/16 (Friday/Saturday) 16 yd Trap Skeet Doubles/Trap/HOA Awards (late afternoon)