A good source has stated that NC home grounds Bostic, will be dumping ERads & going back to Canterbury's Also, another source has stated that Bob Schultz will be funding the replacement I love Erads, especially for handicap--makes the event flat fly
We attended the first NC shoot that they used the ERads. Way back around 2010 or so, not sure of the exact year. Some fields wouldn't work no matter what they did, and they even moved squads that didn't want to use those things. Then they had the ever present problem of folks "Forgetting" that they were wearing them and the following squads had to wait until the officials could track down the guy or guys who "forgot" to leave them with the scorer. I still like the Canterburys. Just my personal opinion.
They should take a serious look at BRB systems before they purchase. Considerably better all the way around than canterburys. Plus the price is even better.
Rumor has it Bob Schultz will be donating the Canterburys--IMHO-lots of out of town shooters rave about ERADs and are not interested in Canterburys--ERADS, make shooting handicap flat fly to microphone movement needed