Was a success, It ended up w/ 3 Shotgun Sights, Factory, Blade at 100% and the Red Dot@120% and all that is needed is putting on the Red Dot and tightening 2 screws, then putting on the Pins for the height of sight chosen, ALL Sighted In. It had 3 sets of pins and e Wood Supports drilled for the pins for support on the Long Pins for the Red Dot Sight All made by Dave Berlet the Master. GB...............................Dls.
Dr. -- You started this with a post last winter -- got me all wound up about it -- Installed one my 1100 {pictures post last winter} Just finished my IH farm tribute 870 this spring --Mine aren't on a Ljutic but I am sure they are just as fun to shoot. don't forget your POI on the Red dot is as easy to change as turning the Allen wrench on your sight - Post a picture of your project --
Rrissim: I got a new Project, actually not a project, I have one more adjustment, will be done this evening Looks Great, keep shooting it. Have been working with the weights real heavy for several Weeks. GB................................ DLS