If they do have a link please PM the link to pump gun guy I can tell you that if you google "Mississippi State Trap Shoot" you will find the Pre-Squad site and that has the events and some contact info for the club that is hosting the shoot.
Capitol city G.C. is holding the shoot. They only have five fields. Don't go as a non resident ,as you may not get to shoot. Roger C.
It was at Capital last year but According to the ATA site is advertised as being at Biloxi this year .
All good. I found an old program from about 3 years ago and it turned out to be pretty close as far as events go. Biloxi put on a great shoot. I managed to get over there for the doubles and Handicap on Sun.
I see a Florida shooter in "D" class with a 93 in singles on Thursday, and same guy a 97 "D" on Friday. 19 yarder, same guy, 92 Thursday and 95 Friday No Saturday posted. I looked this guy up 635 G, and I see what you mean about certain clubs... Last singles posted in Silver Dollar were 5/14 with a 98, and 5/15 with a 95.5. Yep, for sure a "D" Class shooter. This is the Shit that turns off the honest person from shooting at these ATA events.
And Same guy 92 Thursday Caps 95 Friday Caps. Good 19 yard manager ? AND was leading the "D" class High Over All after Friday's events.
Looks like he gets a lot of sleep the night before a bigger shoot. He doesn't have enough targets to be any kind of a bagger. Ron Burdick
Well the "D" shooter won out of state with a 194 @ the MS state shoot,, wondering will he still be a "D" shooter @ the Souther Zone--the answer will be yes
"D" shooter had a LOT of sleep for sure... Saturday results, Not bad ~~~ "D" 25 - 23 - 25 - 25 - 24 - 25 - 23 - 24 194