Mod 12 3 pin duckbill with 30” Barrel. Serial # 1966xxx, gun is marked full , Someone had work done to the gun before I purchased it. 729 bore with .025 choke IM. Whoever did the barrel work on this gun , did a phenomenal job. Gun shoots 80 to 100% high with beads stacked , Crushers birds at the 27. Has a perfect pattern at 30 yards. Not a collector but a great shooter. Beautiful wood With extended forearm , Looks like Wenig wood but not sure. $1000 plus shipping..... Thanks, Pat (630-991-7468)
Nice wood Pat .... Pat may need it. Called last night at 9 PM figuring I'd catch him at home maybe in "Northland" Pat and buddies were shooting TRAP.............. 28* in the breeze Dude