little skeeters

Discussion in 'Skeeters Corner' started by Shooter11, Oct 16, 2022.

  1. Shooter11

    Shooter11 Isaiah 30:18

    Has anyone ever try them? how do they work? Good,bad or fair?
  2. King Shark

    King Shark Active Member

    I have the whole set of little skeeters for a 12 gauge and they work OK except for the 410. I would think that the 410 in a 28 gauge gun would work OK but the 410 in a 12ga is pretty worthless. I have tried even using a full choke in the 12ga but it still is difficult to break a skeet target with it. The 28, and 20 in a 12ga work pretty good. You do need something to help knock out the empty shell (like a number 2 pencil).
  3. bobski

    bobski USN Retired Range Owner

    im still using savage 410ers myself. old but do the job.
  4. Bgunluvr

    Bgunluvr New Member

    So how do these work?
    It looks like you just plop a shell into it and load them into the barrel .
    Then after firing they eject or extract and you pull out fired rounds and replace with unfired
    Is that correct?
    If so I’m thinking I will stick to my 3/4 oz. 12 ga. reloads.
  5. bobski

    bobski USN Retired Range Owner

    they stay in place with rubber bushings up front to keep it snug. then you tap them in flush with the breech face and a slave unit operates the ejectors.
  6. amboy49

    amboy49 Well-Known Member

    I'm little confused. Why is, or even how, is a No. 2 pencil used or needed ? Don't the extractors/ejectors work with th sub gauge tubes ?
  7. bobski

    bobski USN Retired Range Owner

    I believe hes talking about sending a pencil down the bore. sometimes they stick?