Krieghoff K80 Trap Special TOP SINGLE

Discussion in 'For Sale-Wanted to Buy' started by Huntin'Fool, Jul 16, 2019.

  1. Huntin'Fool

    Huntin'Fool Mega Poster

    Selling this nice K80 top single trap special barrel. It is a choke tube barrel and will come with one Ti choke or three steel chokes.


    4A231919-025D-4D29-97E6-D007579666E5.jpeg D22B7E53-189F-4C27-9AE6-F69819137227.jpeg
    Rolexdr likes this.
  2. ljutic329

    ljutic329 Mega Poster Founding Member

    What's the serial number
  3. Huntin'Fool

    Huntin'Fool Mega Poster

    It’s a part number not a serial number as 2008 was the last time they were “serial numbered”
  4. ljutic329

    ljutic329 Mega Poster Founding Member

    How old is the barrel
  5. Huntin'Fool

    Huntin'Fool Mega Poster

    I do not know as I had gotten it in a trade, it’s in good shape
  6. Huntin'Fool

    Huntin'Fool Mega Poster

  7. Huntin'Fool

    Huntin'Fool Mega Poster

  8. Huntin'Fool

    Huntin'Fool Mega Poster

  9. Rolexdr

    Rolexdr Mega Poster

    Man this is tempting
  10. mac1

    mac1 Well-Known Member Founding Member

    great price as a new one cost 6500.00 plus or minus a couple hundred and they just had a price increase. I am going to put a complete new trap special top single gun that has only had 12 boxes shot through it as soon as I get out of the hospital, and can get around.
