This is a set of 30" long Krieghoff K80 step rib barrels that have been converted by Briley to be carrier barrels for their Ultralite fitted subgauge tubes. Includes 20ga, 28ga, and .410 tubes. The subgauge tubes have removable chokes. Each gauge set comes with a total of 4 chokes (2x Skeet, 2x Light Skeet) for a total of 12 chokes (spare chokes and choke wrenches not pictured). Barrel has an aluminum add-a-rib on it; easily removed if you don't like it. Weight without tubes is 1.290kg and 1.630kg with tubes; both weights include the aluminum add-a-rib. This is a perfect set for someone who wants to shoot skeet with subgauge tubes, but is worried about the tubes adding too much weight out front. Please note that as this is a carrier barrel conversion, Briley removed enough metal to offset the weight of the subgauge tubes that you can no longer shoot 12ga through them. $2800, shipped anywhere in the U.S.