Kolar LPT Stock Lock like new...SOLD

Discussion in 'For Sale-Wanted to Buy' started by pete yerace, Dec 16, 2023.

  1. pete yerace

    pete yerace Mega Poster

    Selling for a friend. Only on gun once. Bought it because he had a bad shoulder. Ended up not using the stock. Deal of day! $1250 plus shipping. He bought it straight from Pat at Cardinal Center.

    Attached Files:

  2. pete yerace

    pete yerace Mega Poster

    PMs answered
  3. Ron fisher

    Ron fisher Mega Poster

    Do you have the stock? Or does the owner??
  4. pete yerace

    pete yerace Mega Poster

    I sent you PM
  5. anthony morton

    anthony morton Mega Poster

    Did ya have to raise the comb that much to get the beads to stack?
  6. pete yerace

    pete yerace Mega Poster

    Again this is a friend's stock. If you want his info PM me.
  7. pete yerace

    pete yerace Mega Poster

    Please close thread. Stock sold