K80 Super Sport super standard receiver, SOLD

Discussion in 'For Sale-Wanted to Buy' started by Michael Clark, Jul 16, 2023.

  1. Michael Clark

    Michael Clark Mega Poster

    32" adjustable comb. Gun serviced in March and no more than 200 shots since. Set of pure gold T chokes to go with it. 10k.
    PXL_20230716_225926210.jpg PXL_20230716_225929967.jpg PXL_20230716_225936111.jpg PXL_20230716_225940193.jpg

    Attached Files:

  2. Michael Clark

    Michael Clark Mega Poster

    Let's get it gone. 9500
  3. TJ80

    TJ80 Active Member

    How old is the gun, what serial number range? Wheel adjustable rib or shim adjustable rib?
    It what help to see photos of the entire gun.
  4. Michael Clark

    Michael Clark Mega Poster