Anyone have any info on these? Can’t shoot BT99’s worth a dam and from what I read these shoot flatter. I also read the durability is not good. Anyone with real firsthand experience? Thanks.
I was not aware they still make these to be honest with you, I know a few people who used to shoot them over 30 years ago and none of them really complained about the gun .. I personally do not have any experience but a close friend of mine shot one for a few years (way back then ) ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
I saw one on the line today and it went bang. I can't believe a BT-99 shoots too high for anyone. My guess is you're doing something wrong physically or your coaches are not to be believed and just guessing. Do a re-think!
Using a really overused phrase, back in the day, I shot with at least two guys that had them. Both the first and second generation models. They worked just fine and I don't think they had any mechanical problems but they moved up to something else after they decided to shoot a LOT of registered targets. That model always struck me as one someone would buy used to see if they were going to jump in the deep end and when they did they sold them to the next new guy.
The gun that’s for sale here locally is just a super nice older gun that I would like to try, no other reason. I don’t shoot registered targets so it won’t see a ton of use, just weekend club shooting.
Won't they let you try it without buying it ..? If its cheap enough buy it , sooner or later DLS will buy it from you ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
Have had two of them over the years. First models had some problems with forearm attachment. Second model called Century II had that fixed and I believe had a Monte Carlo stock. The choke/barrels were target crunching monsters best suited to the 27 yard folks.. One of the most beautiful SBT guns of its era. Metal seemed a bit soft and they became loose on the action rather quickly... Parts may be a problem these days. Sell for around $700 in these parts. No longer in production.
The first models were Century I, and a second revised model was a Century II. I don't know what they changed from the first to the second, but it was a revision to cure several problems with the first. They were a solid built gun, and had heavy walled barrels. Most were tighter fixed chokes. Parts and service on these are hard to come by. Prices reflect this generally. $500-$800 usually is the range these sell for. If you are to use it for league or something besides heavy ATA shooting use, and it has not been shot much, they should be a decent value They now have a Century III, which IMO is not built as good as the older versions. If I am not mistaken, they are made in Turkey. I see Cargodog had a good post before I could post.