The Honor shoot for him and his Wife, I would go as far as it not be an ATA Shoot. I would like to see a shoot like the AMERICAN TRAPSHOOTER CHAMPIONSIP SERIES be held there on Memorial Day next year. We Ohioans Owe something to Jack Fishburn and his wife for their Extreme Dedication to Trap, Skeet, and Sporting Clays. Jake Spangler can you step up to the Plate and help make this happen so Jack Fishburn can see OUR Appreciation? This Non-Registered shoot has the possibility to be the Biggest Shoot Event Ever Held. I may be stepping Out of Bounds on this, But that is my Personal Feelings, Can WE make this Happen. This is the Biggest Trapshooting Facility In Ohio Bar None. My Prayers are being Said for this to Happen, I hope others would Join me in Our Prayers of Dedication. Gary Bryant.............................Dr.longshot