How old were you when posted Highest Hdcp Average

Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum -' started by dr.longshot, Apr 9, 2018.

  1. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    I was 61 and it was 90.68 on 1800 targets.

    I was 62 on my 2nd highest average 90.50.

    I was curious and both were from the 27 yard line

    My highest sgl avg was 98+%

    How do you guys compare using the ATA Shooters Information Center.

    Gary Bryant.....................................DLS
  2. ebsurveyor

    ebsurveyor State HOF Founding Member Forum Leader Member State Hall of Fame

    54 = 91.48% of 3450 first year with my second silver seitz 27 yards
    40 = 98.24% of 3300 BT 99 singles
    44 = 96.02% of 4800 doubles
  3. ebsurveyor

    ebsurveyor State HOF Founding Member Forum Leader Member State Hall of Fame


    54 = 91.48% of 3450 first year with my second silver seitz 27 yards mostly Fed light 7.5 papers
    30 = 98.24% of 3300 BT 99 singles mostly AA's light 8
    44 = 96.02% of 4800 doubles MX 3 Rem light 8's & fed paper light 7.5
  4. rvh

    rvh Active Member Founding Member

    61 = 90.59% ljutic , aa hdcp 7.5 2008 3700 60= 98.39% ljutic fed papers 8.5 2007 3600 55= 93.89% k-32 fed 8.5 & wally world 7.5 2002
  5. Roger Coveleskie

    Roger Coveleskie State HOF Founding Member Member State Hall of Fame

    48 yrs. old-- 1985 avg. 92.14 1400 targets. I have had 9 yrs. of 90.avg. or better. I have shot 132550 registered hdk. targets. 103800 dbls. 111900 singles. shot all American made ammo. Guns all came from Europe. Made 27 yd. line at the Springfield Stein shoot. I think in 1978 or 79. Stayed there until body gave out about 4 years ago.
    P.S. All targets shot before 1988 and many after were shot in Ohio ,West Virginia, Fla., Georgia, Michigan. Roger C.
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2018
  6. Quaildog

    Quaildog Member Founding Member

    At the ripe old age of 49 I had my highest 27 yard line average in 1985
    1985 shot 3,ooo 27 yard targets--- 94.43 , I've had 8 years with over a 92 handicap avg. all on the 27 yard line
    1989 shot 3,ooo 16 yard targets----98.83
    1985 shot 1,800 doubles -------------97.00

    Tom Strunk
    81 years old and counting
    Michael McGee likes this.
  7. OldSchool

    OldSchool Active Member

    Tom .... what percentage of those targets were in OH and PA?
  8. Quaildog

    Quaildog Member Founding Member

    I lived in Orange, California . I mostly shot in California, Arizona, and Nevada and Vandalia,Ohio when I could get there.

    I used a Winchester Super X -1 for those scores. It had a barrel by Tom Seitz, a release trigger by Emerson Hobblit, and a stock made by Anton/Hilmer. This gun shot 6 inches high at 40 yards. My handicap shell was Federal paper 3 dram 71/2’s.

  9. goose2

    goose2 Well-Known Member Founding Member

    53 or 54 = 94.3 from 27.