Ha Ha I dont see any banners for EC or BOD Members here.

Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum - Americantrapshooter.com' started by Sparta Sid, Jul 18, 2019.

  1. Sparta Sid

    Sparta Sid Active Member

    Just pointing out the obvious!
  2. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    Nothing in it for them. The promise of a free dinner or nice bottle of booze would probably get them to post.

    How about you sidney? Think of a banner we could give you.
    Phantom already took the most appropriate one so that's out.
    The Phantom likes this.
  3. Sparta Sid

    Sparta Sid Active Member

    Sparta Sid is fine. Thanks for your concern.
    Jakearoo likes this.
  4. The Phantom

    The Phantom Village Idiot Village Idiot Forum Leader

    Maybe Sidney could be a "Forum Leader".........wait for it.....

    of the "Joke of The Day" Forum.
    History Seeker likes this.
  5. Sparta Sid

    Sparta Sid Active Member

    Just cant stand the name "Sparta Sid" can you?
  6. The Phantom

    The Phantom Village Idiot Village Idiot Forum Leader

    No, it's not that. It's just that "Sparta Sidney" would sound so much more mature and sophisticated. After all, how can a guy with a name like Sidney go wrong?
  7. Sparta Sid

    Sparta Sid Active Member

    That's right. Pay attention.
  8. The Phantom

    The Phantom Village Idiot Village Idiot Forum Leader

    I will, on one condition! From this time forward and even forever more, all of your posts here at AmericanTrapshooter.Com must be placed where they belong, in the Joke of The Day Forum. Deal?

    Joe, I hereby nominate Sidney for FORUM LEADER of the Joke of The Day Forum!

    Respectfully submitted,

    The Phantom
    (aka Village Idiot)
  9. The Phantom

    The Phantom Village Idiot Village Idiot Forum Leader

    Can I get a second???????
    Flyersarebest likes this.
  10. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    You can stick with sid if you like. What about my reply that there is nothing in it for them? Kinda agree with that don't ya?
    Oh oh, maybe I just hit it on the head. The reason you want a banner for them is
    YOU ARE ONE OF THEM and think you deserve something.
    That would explain all the cheerleading for the place and the hit and hide tactics you use when you throw out some inain statement about the place being so great or the attendance going up 17%
    C'mon sid, fess up, which one are you?

    If you stay around here long enough sidney you will find that we pretty much "pay attention " to most posts and it doesn't help if someone try's to delete one to CYA so to speak
    For example, I paid attention to your reply on how much you were willing to lose when you predicted that place in Illnews would draw 17% more shooters this year for that shoot they hold.
    So far nothing but I figure you have to talk to the people you are trying to impress somewhere else and will get back with the amount ASAP, right?
  11. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    I think that would be appropriate if he was going to be around for a while and post on a regular basis. I doubt if you will see anyone sign in with that name after a few more months. Maybe under a different name but I think sid will fade into the sparta sunset before too long.
    You never can tell though. Guys like sid and his buddies said we wouldn't be here 30 days and look how stupid that turned out to be.
    The Phantom likes this.
  12. The Phantom

    The Phantom Village Idiot Village Idiot Forum Leader

    Say, Flyers, you're not saying Ol' Sidney is all hat and no horse, are you?
  13. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    Not at all. Just that I've seen more than a few guys like sid that post here just to try and "rile" someone.

    It never works, they slink back, no offense sid, to where they came from and we never hear from then again. I actually miss them all. They were so easy.
  14. HistoryBuff

    HistoryBuff US Navy Retired US Navy Retired Founding Member Forum Leader Official Historian Member State Hall of Fame

    I find it amazing that with all the accusations leveled at members of the A.T.A. Executive Committee and Board of Directors, not one has called B.S. or offered up a defense.

    Comments made on this forum have induced readers to reconsider their blind faith in our leadership.

    On occasion comments do receive challenges. They are usually met with documentation which introduces the truth to the world.

    The story of an Executive Committee member creating and managing 2012 PULL LLC, the corporation that purchased, leased and sold the A.T.A. its current office at Sparta was thought to be a false claim. Readers were fed bits of information to help them deduce on their own that the A.T.A. leadership turned a blind eye to this violation of their own conflict of interest policy. Some still did not believe the allegation. Then, out came the documents with V.P. Rob Taylor's name as owner of 2012 PULL LLC. Worse yet, A.T.A. leadership allowed him to continue as a member of the Real Property Advisory Committee. Shameful!


    How about the report that the Trapshooting Hall of Fame Trustees were using donations to build a new $2 plus million dollar museum for the State of Illinois. Everybody thought that was a B.S. story for sure, but I don't recall many challenges. By that time, this forum was recognized for its "breaking news" and its integrity, so those non-believers remained cautiously silent, even though they wanted to call it "fake news."
    Out came the THOF / IDNR lease to prove the report. You could almost hear the gasp from trapshooters and donors across the country.

    What's worse is the silence of our trusted Trustees, permitting donors to falsely assume that the highly regarded organization would own the museum. This decision was wrong, absent of integrity and caused me to refer to them as Untrustees.

    OWNERSHIP, pg1.jpg

    I have yet to see any THOF communication informing contributors that their financial support was being used to construct a museum and offices for the State of Illinois.


    I wonder if the THOF Trustees ever thought of the possibility that conditions become so intolerable to operate in Illinois that the A. T. A. has no choice but to relocate? Maybe they should have taken the offer of free land near the World Shooting and Recreational Complex. Better yet, the free land and funds offered in Ohio.

    Regarding E.C. and BOD banners . . . .

    I would still like to see comments and responses on this forum from A.T.A. leaders. However, I would have to consider it banter. I would only have confidence in their statements when they included verifiable documentation. Words will no longer suffice.

    Last edited: Jul 19, 2019
  15. Roger Coveleskie

    Roger Coveleskie State HOF Founding Member Member State Hall of Fame

    Sparta Sid, What is your take on the info about the H.O.F. building? Roger C.
  16. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    HistoryBuff likes this.
  17. oldphart

    oldphart Mega Poster Founding Member

    Maybe after the above information has been digested he will be known as Ostrich Sid
    Roger Coveleskie likes this.
  18. Sparta Sid

    Sparta Sid Active Member

    I like where it is. You guys whine too much. Could be admin can get some of you a “village whiner” banner?
  19. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    You never thought we would still be here did you? Amazing isn't it? After all the baiting you and the guys before you tried it didn't make one bit of difference. I guess it's just your turn in the barrel.

    HB posted the facts and there isn't anything you can do or say that is going to change that. You and I both know you only post that kind of silly stuff to try and get a response from someone who thinks you are serious. It is just beyond comprehension for some of the members to understand why you do it. I know why you do it. Just the thought that we are still here telling the truth grates on you and the other Kool-Aid drinkers. Do you get a little tingle running up you leg when you see someone has answered?

    To them I say, Don't take Sidney seriously, he is just a troll "getting off" on any response you post. I tried to tell you he has one hand on the keyboard mouse and the other on his own mouse so just laugh at him like I do."

    HB's post wasn't whining, it was just facts. We both also know you can't come on here and say thank you to him for showing you those facts because that would be admitting the ata management screwed the pooch. God forbid you, as one of the faithful, could never admit that since your whole premise that this site is the "dark side" is based on the belief that the ata can do no wrong.

    I know it must be frustrating to be proved wrong or made to look silly every time you post something but that's just how it is here. When you post nonsense someone is going to show you where you are wrong. Or just plain silly.

    You can pick a post, or a sentence in a post, and ignore the rest and then try and to be witty but to do that you also have to be smart. It ain't working for you Sidney. Time to try something else or fade away like your predecessors.

    Not once have you directly answered my posts about your claim and BET that your shoot in August would be 17% higher.
    You stepped on your own d*^k with that little gem and now you have to ignore it or grow a pair and make the bet.

    BTW, I'm retired now and can post all day so don't start to giggle thinking you are trolling me and taking up my time with your nonsensical posts. I'm way better at this than you and really enjoy making you crazy.

    NOW, lets see if you really do have the nerve to answer a direct question. And PLEASE, don't give me that same old lame excuse, I don't have to answer to you" . It's so childish and to tell you the truth it makes you look stupid.

    Here it is, and as you said yourself, PAY ATTENTION.

    How much are you willing to lose on a wager that your prediction of a 17% increase in shooters at that shoot in Illnews is correct?

    Here's your chance to prove me wrong and show everyone on here that you do indeed have the guts to back up what you post.

    Ok, your turn. And I promise I won't giggle when you answer.
  20. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    I like where the building is too. It wouldn't make much sense to have a building OWNED BY THE STATE OF ILLNEWS TO BE ANYWHERE ELSE NOW WOULD IT. That would be stupid.

    I hope it never leaves there. It will be a constant reminder to all the ata members that they had to pay an extra fee to help pay for it.

    We had an official "whiner". He is recently deceased and in his honor we are not going to bestow that moniker on someone else. Kinda like retiring someone's number if you get my drift.

    If, and only if, you are willing to continue to post the things you do trying to bait people I think we might just be able to give you the title that most represents your contributions to this great site.

    "Master Baiter"
    wpt and trapshooter47 like this.
  21. trapshooter47

    trapshooter47 US Army Retired US Army Retired Founding Member

    Shit Stirrer has a nice ring to it!

    BRAD DYSINGER The Philosophist Founding Member Member Trapshooting Hall of Fame Member State Hall of Fame

    I've wondered what happened to Taylor after the Pull 2012 stuff hit the fan, I see he changed his name. Sparta Rob just doesn't have the same ring as Sparta Sid, does. Plus I see that our ATA president claims to be such an honest man. Who would have though that would appear in print?
  23. History Seeker

    History Seeker A NoBody Founding Member Official Historian

    My dear friend Mr. History Buff.

    Thank you for presenting the TRUTH, the WHOLE TRUTH, and nothing BUT THE TRUTH !!!!!

    In the archives of this famous debacle you left out one of my pet peeves, that by now most are very aware of.

    Do you recall the wonderful MINUTES of meetings where they attempted to "COVER UP" the official name of the LLC involved by somehow "Forgetting" to use the numbers 2012 in the OFFICIAL minutes when presenting this information to everyone?

    Example: on line 424 see PULL LLC...Should have read 2012 PULL LLC.

    NOWHERE in any of the minutes pertaining to this purchase is the 2012 PULL LLC mentioned.

    I had been informed that the Minutes were supposedly taken by an EXPERT in Real estate law..

    Gee, how many times can there be a "TYPO" within the minutes and then read the following meeting by the EC, and never caught, Just APPROVED !

    Oh, but some members figured out the deception, asked for a correction of the minutes, and received NONE !!!


    President Wagner notified the members of the Executive Committee that he has

    531 received an appraisal on the property proposed to be purchased by the ATA at 1105 East

    532 Broadway Street, Sparta, Illinois. He explained that the appraisal was prepared by Armin J.

    533 Mountroy of Real Estate and Appraisal Services, Chester Illinois. The estimated market value of

    534 the subject property as of August 14, 2012, is $132,843.00. This report would be given to

    535 members of the Real Property Advisory Committee as well as the Past President’s Organization.

    536 He reminded the Executive Committee that the purchase price for the subject property is

    537 $100,000 plus any unpaid rent for the first year.


    The property at 1105 East Broadway, Sparta, Illinois. He noted that the Real Property Advisory

    419 Committee has approved this purchase, and the directors were sent written notice of the

    420 decision of the Real Property Advisory Committee prior to the Annual Meeting. Subsequent to

    421 further review and discussion, and upon Motion of Missouri Director Randall Crawford with

    422 second of Idaho Director Bruce Baumgartner, with no further response or comment, it was

    423 unanimously: 15

    424 RESOLVED that the ATA exercise the option it has on the property at 1105 East 425 Broadway, Sparta, Illinois, pursuant to the terms of the lease agreement dated March 1, 2012, 426 with PULL, LLC, and the ATA.

    The next topic covered by Executive Director Gipson was his recommendation to

    271 exercise the option to purchase the property and buildings at 1105 E. Broadway for $100,000

    272 plus rent due under the lease. The office building on the property consists of 5,280 square feet

    273 and is being used as ATA Headquarters. A maintenance building is also on the property and

    274 consists of 3,136 square feet. After looking at several locations, Executive Director Gipson

    275 stated that it this location was by far the most appropriate for the needs of the ATA.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 21, 2019
  24. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    "An EXPERT in real estate law"

    That guy only thinks he is an expert. He should take some lessons from Lynn getsome.
    Now there is an expert on real estate deals
  25. The Phantom

    The Phantom Village Idiot Village Idiot Forum Leader

    Sid, The KOOL-AID Kid, has a nice ring to it, too.
  26. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    If you ignore them long enough they just go away, that is easy to do being as they never say anything with any substance or based on facts ... Only a fool would claim to be a Sparta anything much less admit it if they live there ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
  27. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    I don't want them go away. Every time they post something, even if it is silly, that helps the sites numbers. Besides, I like making them so nuts they can't help themselves and have to post again.

    I even have sidney starting threads now. Granted, he knows he screwed up big time with that dumbazz prediction of a 17% increase at that August shoot and after saying he wanted to bet on it he pulled a N1H1 but that's about what I expected. Gutless comes to mind but what do I know I'm just a poster on the "dark side".
    wpt likes this.