FOR SALE: Rare Winchester Clay Target Hand Trap in Excellent condition. This will throw standard trap targets as designed. The rubber target stop is pliable, the spring is in great condition. There is an accurate replacement leather strap as the original did not survive the decades. Hard to find these in this condition PLUS I have the BOX with it from Winchester Western. Museum quality. A sale tag on the end of box showing Montgomery Wards sold it, estimate sold back in the 1950s. If this thrower could talk the stories it could tell. Have never thrown any targets with this hand trap myself, it is too rare. Wish I had aged this well ha ha. Asking $240, plus $10 shipping for UPS Ground delivery. Insurance is included as well. Let me know if you have any questions. Thank you for looking. +
Nice hand Trap... pretty common, not a rare hand trap. There were 4-5 variations (labels,markings,& packaging) Looks to be the last variation of the Western Hand Trap. Mfg early 1930`s to 1960`s. Several variations from my collection... Trap3
Thank you Trap 3 for the historical data on these old hand traps. Must say your collection is impeccable. Your collection would fit into a museum very nicely. Could you please tell me what you think my hand trap and box is worth based on the photos and your wisdom on the subject? Thank you kindly, ClayUltra
I got one for Christmas 65 years ago. Still use it with my sons when we shoot on private land. Best hand Trap made.