Forum growing tooo fast now!!

Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum -' started by just joe, Jun 26, 2018.

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  1. just joe

    just joe Administrator Staff Member

    We have removed over a thousand threads of old files/pictures from the for sale section to speed the forum up. Never did we think we would have 1/3 of the readership we have.

    Growth pains.

    THEUNLOADER likes this.
  2. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    You ain't seen nuttin yet, the calm before the storm ... WPT ... (YAC) ...

    Can some of the older postings and threads be archived in way they would still be available to the viewers but not clog up and slow down the daily postings ..?
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2018
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