For Sale Trap Special bbls, SPF

Discussion in 'For Sale-Wanted to Buy' started by anthony morton, Oct 16, 2023.

  1. anthony morton

    anthony morton Mega Poster

    34" TS unsingle with fixed choke @ .036

    32" TS O/U bbl. with fixed chokes

    O BBL. .028

    U bbl. .020

    Both bbls. as new with 100 shots thru unsingle and O/U

    Standard TS ribs, NOT PRO RIBS

    4250.00 for either plus shipping AT ACTUAL COST

    Not a mark on either bbl.

    Thanks, Anthony

    PM please

    Attached Files:

    Biged from Iowa likes this.
  2. anthony morton

    anthony morton Mega Poster

    Pro Ribs were traded for as new standard TS ribs
  3. anthony morton

    anthony morton Mega Poster

  4. anthony morton

    anthony morton Mega Poster

  5. anthony morton

    anthony morton Mega Poster

  6. anthony morton

    anthony morton Mega Poster

  7. anthony morton

    anthony morton Mega Poster

  8. anthony morton

    anthony morton Mega Poster

    unsingle is sold SPF
  9. anthony morton

    anthony morton Mega Poster

    O/U bbls. still available
  10. anthony morton

    anthony morton Mega Poster

    O/U bbls. still available
  11. Jon

    Jon Well-Known Member

    Great barrel for helice