For Sale Perazzi DB81 combo

Discussion in 'For Sale-Wanted to Buy' started by Sgoose, Mar 8, 2025 at 9:05 PM.

  1. Sgoose

    Sgoose Mega Poster Founding Member

    Offer for your consideration Perazzi DB81 Combo Case Color receiver all numbers matching serial number 574XX Righthanded 4way adjustable comb with a SoftTuch recoil system LOP 14.25 inch to a 3/4 inch KICK-EZZ recoil pad stock is neutral . Trigger is set 3.5 lb with a internally selecter. Barrel are mark 1 & 2 barrel number 1is a 29.5 inch O/U bottom barrel is mark 18.4 ☆☆ (.724) restriction (.025) top barrel mark 18.4 ☆ (.725) restriction (.040) KB1.600 (1.776) with DB81 ramp rib 11mm to 7mm date code AH. Barrel number 2 is a 32 inch top barrel mark 18.4 ☆ (.729) restriction (.025) KB1.600 (1.662) with DB81 ramp rib 11mm to 7mm date code AH. Asking $6,500.00 plus shipping to your FFL. If you have any questions or need more pictures pleases PM.

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    A26A and Keith_E like this.
  2. Sgoose

    Sgoose Mega Poster Founding Member

    Also have a 34 inch DB81 top barrel with briley thin wall chokes barrel is not ported mark 18.4 (.724 ) KB1.800 ( 1.782 ) serial number 89XXX date of manufactur BD choke are one ext .015, flush Mod .021, Mod .019, FL .030 & LF .032 .fit receiver. Asking $2,000.00 plus shipping and insurance.

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