For Sale BROWNING 22 semi auto rifle Grade 3 engraving really nice, SOLD

Discussion in 'For Sale-Wanted to Buy' started by Randy, Jun 30, 2023.

  1. Randy

    Randy Mega Poster

    Really nice older Browning semi auto 22 rifle it's the high grade GRADE 3 super nice engraving
    Gun is a Japan gun but most likely a transition gun with hand engraving engraving not signed but doesn't look like machine done comes with a dated Redfield 4x scope wood in great shape has a semi Gloss satin finish not that high Gloss plastic look browning does on new guns
    Great gun for the upcoming shooter or the adult who enjoys nice guns

    Attached Files:

  2. Ronald Rousseau

    Ronald Rousseau Well-Known Member

  3. Randy

    Randy Mega Poster

    4th of July Sale!!!
  4. Ronald Rousseau

    Ronald Rousseau Well-Known Member

  5. Randy

    Randy Mega Poster

  6. Randy

    Randy Mega Poster

    Gun is sold.
    Please change title to sold thank you