Really nice gun in great condition gun has Briley chokes ISIS recoil device will update with more specs and pics this evening pics shown is when i bought it will ship in hard case
randy what length barrel and what is it choked plus would like to see barrels and both sides of the receiver
Barrel length 30 inches 14 5/8 LOP 1.5 DAC 1.75 DAH ISIS recoil device Briley S2 Extended chokes LM & IM Briley S2 flush chokes FULL, IC,SK,LMOD Briley custom chokes IMOD, SK, IC Really nice set up ready to go. Lot more if needed
29.5" (75 cm) or true 30"? Barrel date code? Barrel weight as stamped on barrels in K.G.? Total gun weight as shown? LOP to end-of-wood? Cast? RH palm swell? Thanks.
Barrels measure 28 7/8 inches RH Palm swell 13 in LOP to wood only No cast Barrel weight Kg1.530 18.5