For Sale- Beretta Model 391 30" Barrel Briley Choked, SOLD

Discussion in 'For Sale-Wanted to Buy' started by coconutjoy77, Mar 6, 2023.

  1. coconutjoy77

    coconutjoy77 Mega Poster

    I have for sale a 30" Briley Series 2 choked Beretta Model 391 Barrel. This unit is in excellent condition all around with original bluing at 95%, chamber and bore excellent also. (250.00 plus shipping, please leave a contact number if you PM me)

    Attached Files:

  2. Brad Davis

    Brad Davis Mega Poster

    Field or sporting? Optima or mobil choked originally? What chokes?
  3. coconutjoy77

    coconutjoy77 Mega Poster

    Hi, my apology but maybe image a mistake in the listing as I believe I noted in the listing that it has Briley chokes Series 2, it's a field Barrel, waiting reply Wayne
  4. Brad Davis

    Brad Davis Mega Poster

    So fixed choke to start with?
  5. coconutjoy77

    coconutjoy77 Mega Poster

    Yes fixed choke, Briley installed Series 2 chokes, it comes with 1 Imp Mod choke.If I can help please contact me.Thanks Much
  6. coconutjoy77

    coconutjoy77 Mega Poster

    Reduced to 225.00
  7. coconutjoy77

    coconutjoy77 Mega Poster

    Reduced to 200.00 us shipping
  8. coconutjoy77

    coconutjoy77 Mega Poster

    Barrel is SOLD