**F/S** Reclaimed Raw Lead Shot. 50,000 pounds. Large bulk buy

Discussion in 'For Sale-Wanted to Buy' started by Macdaddy, Sep 12, 2023.

  1. Macdaddy

    Macdaddy Mega Poster

    I have around 50,000 pounds of reclaimed lead shot. It’s packaged in super sacks that weigh about 2200 pounds each. Looking to sell this as a whole or maybe very large smaller lots only. Would like to get $1/lb but will entertain any reasonable offers. You will need to arrange ground shipping from 84404 (Northern Utah).

    anyone interested can pm me.

    picture shows the sacks on pallets in the storage building.

  2. fireman41

    fireman41 Mega Poster

    do you have a picture of the shot itself
  3. Macdaddy

    Macdaddy Mega Poster

    I can get a picture on Wednesday evening.
    cl3 likes this.
  4. Macdaddy

    Macdaddy Mega Poster

    Here is the shot.

    Attached Files:

  5. Ryan9

    Ryan9 Member

    I wish you in Indiana or a bit closer!!!!
  6. Macdaddy

    Macdaddy Mega Poster

    Just sold 40,000. Have about 15k left to move.

  7. Dead A Pair

    Dead A Pair Active Member

    That's a great price considering they are asking $35 for 25# bag at my local range. However, I do believe that includes it being cleaned and graphited. Once you get the stigma of shooting "reclaimed" out of your head it actually works pretty well. In fact, I was crushing clays on the sporting clays range yesterday using reclaimed. Furthest target was about 45yds.
    Macdaddy likes this.
  8. ARK80

    ARK80 Active Member

    I guess if the phone stops ringing you could call the “Hot Shot” lead crew. They are in Utah. Takes lead to make lead.
  9. Macdaddy

    Macdaddy Mega Poster

    thank you, we have already been in touch with them. We have talked about having them make a few thousand pounds into new bagged shot for us.

    I think we have about 6-7 pallets left now. About 2300lbs per pallet.

  10. Macdaddy

    Macdaddy Mega Poster

  11. Macdaddy

    Macdaddy Mega Poster

  12. Macdaddy

    Macdaddy Mega Poster

    cl3 likes this.
  13. Macdaddy

    Macdaddy Mega Poster


  14. Macdaddy

    Macdaddy Mega Poster

  15. Macdaddy

    Macdaddy Mega Poster

    several large sacks still available