I just had very excellent buying experience with Bob Lowman through this site. I want to rate the experience highly, but I can't readily see how to do that. Can someone help?
Mallard2, I had the same great experience with Bob Lowman as you did. I wouldn’t hesitate to do business with Bob again should the need arise. I can’t offer you any help on the rating thing as I don’t know how to do it either.
Just rate your expierences on the FOR SALE site you bought it on DONE< RIGHT. GB....................................DLS
I think we were asking if there is a rating system on the site, where you give a percentage, or so many stars, etc. If I understand your reply, you are saying to just write a review and post it in the For Sale forum. That works, except there is no cumulative score that a buyer can refer to, if that is the case. Just have to do a little research on the sellers.