Devault Infinity

Discussion in 'For Sale-Wanted to Buy' started by Highvoltage, Jul 28, 2019.

  1. Highvoltage

    Highvoltage Active Member

    I have a Infinity for sale with Turkish Walnut stock, with adjustable comp and LOP. The LOP measures 14 3/4-15 1/2. Right hand offset and toe out. Some minor dings in the stock. .740 bore, extended forcing cone, 3 Briley chokes .20,.25 and .30. 2 triggers pull and release. 4 notch adjustable rib. Will ship in Negrini case. Can meet at Cardinal Classic or in NW OHIO. $5600 shipped to your FFL. B8691F32-64CA-4177-B562-120EF0B42047.jpeg 6FD97CD9-C573-43B7-A5FF-2BB61F8328B0.png 88F00C00-6B8A-43F9-89EC-CF9109B73928.png
    cl3 likes this.
  2. hardrite

    hardrite Mega Poster

    PM sent,
  3. Highvoltage

    Highvoltage Active Member

    Sale pending
  4. Highvoltage

    Highvoltage Active Member