I have been jumped by a Delegate who stated he felt I was on my "High Horse" about some issues that have proven to be more than true over time ... I simply told him that "if the shoe fits wear it " and he has never gone beyond that point trying to defend anything that was said, so I guess it is ans was all more accurate than he wanted to admit to ... I feel the Delegates should be the "Mouth Piece" of the members who elected them but if their opinion differs then they should let it be known, but in the end the people they represent holds the most importance and should be voted on by said Representative ... I have always been one who enjoyed a debate and like to get different ideas but apply them to the betterment of the Association and those members ... The way the ATA has been going for the past number of years it appears many of the Delegates don't have a clue what they are supposed to be doing and for who , so they allow the EC to progress its own agenda ... There has to be a way to keep the Delegates in check so the EC is kept in check as well as the ED ... The ATA is a member owned organization, not the other way around and we have to make strides to eliminate the problems and get it back on track ... All ideas are good at some point in time, once applied ... Comments welcome and ideas appreciated ... WPT ... (YAC) ... Re posted from another thread on this site (catagory)
Does wpt really know what he's talking about and is he really being truthful? Let our historical documents from the 1920's show us if the responsibility of managing ATA affairs rests with the Executive committee . . . . or . . . . the Board of Directors. So, who is shirking their duties and who is exceeding their authority? So wpt, I say you're full of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . the truth! A question to ponder: If any ATA Executive Committee makes rule changes without presenting them for approval by the Board of Directors at their annual meeting, are those rules actually invalid? Should Delegates demand they be immediately rescinded and the previously approved rules restored? If so, why didn't the Delegates rescind the additional handicap 2-yard reduction? Why didn't the Delegates rescind the rule that reduced the distance of double targets changed unilaterally by the Executive Committee? To those who believe I may be a "hater" and/or "basher," I say that it was our decision to turn our backs and remain silent on far too many issues that has caused our ATA to not obtain the success and growth it should have. It is the duty of each and ever member to speak up and demand compliance with our written rules. Yes, its our duty even when our elected Delegates fail to do the speaking first. It's our organization and we are ultimately responsible for providing proper oversight, even to the extent of expelling those who are found guilty of violating the law, our rules, and even for cheating. We'll either work together to keep our organization on track and safe, or our silence will be the cause of its demise. Should this ever happen, there will be no argument as to where the blame rests. HistoryBuff
i say your right on track, most elected people think its what you can do for them not what they can do for you!
My Gawd... Just last evening I was speaking with HB about this same issue... Before I could jump in here with WPT, I see HB did it for me~~~ for US . Amazing how when we think we are doing the organization a favor by asking our Delegates to do their duty, we all seem to get labeled as "troublemakers". We are not Troublemakers, Haters, nor Bashers. We just would like to see our organization run in a proper manner. Where and when did we ever hear the word "Transparency"? Very lacking within this outfit. Sorry but I must stand with WPT, HB and Targetbreaker. The hand full of Delegates who attempt to do the duty they have been elected to do, end up at the bottom of the heap. We know the good ones..They at least, are trying. This brings to memory of several yeas ago when a fellow ran for Delegate against the sitting one at the time. The sitting Delegate KNEW that if he got caught with his hand in the cookie jar (if you will) the vote for Delegate would be NULL and VOID, and the sitting Delegate would retain his position for yet another year. Sure enough, that happened. The vote was protested, the determination was that the sitting Delegate was found of WRONG DOING, the Delegate vote was declared NULL and VOID, and that Delegate got to sit for another term. Did that Null and Void crapola ever get changed ??? I think not. So, things just keep rolling on and on, and any one Delegate found knowingly of wrong doing, can keep his position forever if he wants. I hope I am wrong on this, but I have never been told that this rule had been changed. This is just another thing I had asked Delegates to look into changing, and nothing to my knowledge got done.